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Versioning Time

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What's this about?

Time, like every other physical attribute you encounter and use, is a construct of your own making that you skillfully use moving through the experience of your life.

Many times, we know that you may believe that time defines you or restricts you. Nothing could be further from the truth.

You are defining time and you are restricting it as well.

And, in this, we don't just refer to that feeling you may have that there isn't enough time in the day to get done what you want to get done.

We also refer to how you believe the past defines you and the future restricts you.

Again, neither are true.

That doesn't mean, however, that the contrast these thoughts bring isn't helpful.

It's quite helpful.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we will show you how time is here to help you and how you can redefine the past and assert the future.

1. We begin with what time is and how you use it.

2. We invite you to bring your attention to the past and decide what you want it to mean instead of how you allegedly remember it.

3. We invite you to bring your attention to the future and decide what you want the future to look like and to feel like.

4. We invite you to dig a little deeper into the past and change your mind about events and situations.

5. We invite you to explore the ways in which shifting the past now can help with where you are now and how things move forward.

6. We invite you to focus on the future in terms of the near, the middle, and the far.

7. We show you how to look at yourself from other versions, both past and future, and delight in who you are right now and feel the impact of that delight as it moves out and returns through the feedback loop.

As always, we look forward to connecting with you through this magical conversation.


March 18, 2023: Versioning time.

March 18, 2023: I'm not getting the traction I want.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: March 18, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Versioning time. 26:28
Question #1: I'm not getting the traction I want. 9:58

Sunday: March 19, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: Deciding what the past means. 21:34
Question #2: My husband and my children. 14:26
Question #3: I never get what I want except when I get crumbs. 21:58
Question #4: My sister and I are allies. 8:42
Question #5: All about my child. 15:52

Monday: March 20, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: Deciding what you want the future to look and feel like. 22:21
Question #6: I'm loving my hair. 19:10
Question #7: We spent all our money and I'm scared. 28:20

Tuesday: March 21, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: Changing your mind about what happened in the past. 40:22
Question #8: My friend in Charleston. 8:35
Question #9: I really liked this exercise. 2:48
Question #10: I need to have this meeting with them. 12:22
Question #11: Did the past actually happen to me? 2:55

Wednesday: March 22, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: Shifting the past. 35:24
Question #12: What about specificity? 9:44
Question #13: I shifted from the present to the past. 5:31
Question #14: I desire to be a stock trader. 10:37
Question #15: They may have defrauded us. 14:26

Thursday: March 23, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: The near future, the middle future, and the far future. 31:30
Question #16: There is a version of me who knows how this contrast is helping me. 6:03
Question #17: One of them quit. 17:02
Question #18: I'm enraged to be enraged again. 12:38
Question #19: I don't want to worry about my car. 4:21

Friday: March 24, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: Looking at yourself through other versions. 36:03
Question #20: I had an unexpected account balance that delighted me. 5:34
Question #21: I have piles of journals and am not sure what to do with them. 21:34

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Versioning Time

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