The Astonishing Power Of Disappointment :: Register

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The Astonishing Power Of Disappointment

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What's this about?

Now, it may seem to you that disappointment could hardly be powerful since it doesn't feel better.

Of course, sometimes disappoint does feel better.

However, in this series of 7 daily conversations along with your powerful questions and our delicious answers, we invite you to notice that the contrast of disappointment, just like failure, can be very powerful indeed.

Contrast of the type you don't like is always powerful because it gives rise to new and more focused desires.

And disappointment, along with failure, can help bring focus to what you do want that is being amplified from the experience of what you don't want.

So, we invite you to join us as we go deeper into the juicy possibilities of what can arise from disappointment.

And, as always, we invite you to join us as it feels better.

We, of course, look forward to connecting with you through this series of interactions in whatever way feels right to you.

Most of all, we know that, thanks to your presence, this will be the best of these series yet.


May 18, 2019: The astonishing power of disappointment.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 18, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: The astonishing power of disappointment. 20:17
Question #1: I'm on the waiting list for this retreat. 12:32
Question #2: I'm disappointed I won't be making more money. 11:10
Question #3: Do we come in with a blank slate? 12:13

Sunday: May 19, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: What contrast is. 19:05
Question #4: My thoughts about my mother's disappointment in me. 9:35
Question #5: The difference between regret and disappointment. 8:18

Monday: May 20, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: The power in disappointment and failure. 16:06
Question #6: What about my beloved? 9:48

Tuesday: May 21, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Using the bounce of contrast. 14:06
Question #7: He disappointed me. 7:01
Question #8: These other people disappoint me. 9:53
Question #9: I'm not able to achieve the lifestyle I want. 9:50

Wednesday: May 22, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: Engaging directly with contrast. 20:20
Question #10: I don't believe it when you say things are getting better. 11:44
Question #11: I noticed the difference between yearning and desire. 9:18

Thursday: May 23, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: Contrast is helping you. 15:30
Question #12: An outhouse appeared on the trail out of seeming nowhere. 17:52

Friday: May 24, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: This is the end and it might be disappointing. 12:48
Question #13: I decided I would keep going. 7:35
Question #14: I'm making myself wrong for things in the past. 14:24
Question #15: Using disappointment to mask anger. 6:05
Question #16: Where's my husband? 9:41

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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The Astonishing Power Of Disappointment

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