The Power Of Blessing What Is :: Register

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The Power Of Blessing What Is

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What's this about?

As we like to say, early and often, your physical reality, exactly as it is, is perfect.

This is an unambiguous statement full of contradictions.

For, as perfect as your physical reality happens to be, it is full of your desire for it to be more.

Logically, this is a massive contradiction.

But, metaphysically, it's right on.

So, how does your physical reality become more of what it is?

Quite literally, it evolves.

And that evolution happens whether you notice it or not.

But, when you do put your attention on how things are always getting better, it is a powerful and delicious experience.

And, if you want to be more in the power and delight of this evolution, you can actively participate.

The fastest way to do so is to bless what you have and how you experience this amazing physical reality.

Blessing what is brings you immediately into alignment with who you are.

We're not talking of any formal process or technique, or any informal one, either.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your amazing questions and the powerful answers they call forth, we invite you to put the power of your intentional blessing at work.

Doing so means being willing to look directly at what you, perhaps, don't like and to see that it is, in fact, happening for you and on your behalf.

Doing so means being willing to look at what you do like and being willing to allow it to expand.

You can bless any physical experience, situation, or condition by giving yourself permission to recognize these things for what they are.

And, most of all, we invite you to bring those experiences, situations, or conditions to the table with us.

We are not blind to their blessings, whatever they are and from wherever they arose, and are more than delighted to remind you how that is, indeed, the case.


August 11, 2018: The power of blessing what is.

August 11, 2018: Why this conversation?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: August 11, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #1: The power of blessing what is. 16:17
Question #1: Why this conversation? 16:26
Question #2: Is blessing more active and allowing more passive? 6:54
Question #3: I want a fun and intimate relationship. 11:53
Question #4: I want to bless this relationship. 15:00

Sunday: August 12, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #2: The power of blessing. 18:22
Question #5: I feel married to this thought. 7:47
Question #6: I feel what is happening. 10:39

Monday: August 13, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #3: What is really happening right now. 12:58
Question #7: I'm paying now for the mistakes of the past. 4:02
Question #8: I was panicked earlier. 4:06

Tuesday: August 14, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #4: Blessing your cash. 18:18
Question #9: I don't know what I'm going to be doing. 13:59
Question #10: Something is rising up inside of me. 13:51

Wednesday: August 15, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #5: Blessing your body. 12:10
Question #11: What about this pain? 20:17
Question #12: What about my lower back? 7:14
Question #13: I can feel this blessing. 4:08

Thursday: August 16, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #6: Blessing your beloved. 12:38
Question #14: My relationship with my father. 11:21
Question #16: I don't have to fix this. 7:57

Friday: August 17, 2018

Description Length
Conversation #7: Blessing your work. 18:04
Question #17: Why am I not making millions? 11:48
Question #18: I realize right now how much this is the right job. 6:11
Question #19: I received an email from a client. 17:02
Question #20: I'm always hunting for cash. 18:57

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The Power Of Blessing What Is

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