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Unreasonable Relationship

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What's this about?

The idea behind being reasonable with other people, particularly your beloved, is that you certainly don't want to be difficult or you might be tossed aside.

We know that this is just a tiny sliver of a very large pie but, nonetheless, there is a strategy behind your reasonableness in your relationship that we want to bring to light and invite you to walk away from as you choose something much more powerful and beneficial.

Regardless of your relationship status, whether you call yourself single, dating, engaged, or betrothed, you have the ability, right now, to decide for an astonishing relationship by walking away from the tools, strategies, and tactics developed in a chaotic universe.

During these seven daily calls we invite you to notice the power of the relationship you have now, even if you are so-called single, and we invite you to bring your questions about your relationship to the table so that you can find more of what you have long-ago intended to have and see how powerfully present is the freedom, joy, and abundance of who you are in your relationship right now.

If there is someone by your side, then this series of conversations can help you align yourself to the reality of the relationship, in truth, as it exists and evolves through your intention.

It's already amazing. Now you can see how amazing, and delicious, and delightful your relationship actually is.

If you believe yourself to be single, we invite you to realize that is not the case. Just because you can't see or touch this person doesn't mean they don't exist.

Everyone who has the desire for it is already in an astonishingly delicious relationship regardless of appearances.

This is the core of this conversation.

As with all of these, we know that this particular series of conversations, questions, and answers will be the best one yet.

And, as always, we invite you to be part of this amazing magic as it feels better to do so.


September 24, 2016: Unreasonable relationship.

September 24, 2016: I've been in awe of her since I first saw her.

September 24, 2016: I'm feeling unreasonably frustrated in a number of relationships.

September 24, 2016: My partner has so much loss and grief in his life.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: September 24, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Unreasonable relationship. 8:17
Question #1: I've been in awe of her since I first saw her. 13:59
Question #2: I'm feeling unreasonably frustrated in a number of relationships. 7:10

Sunday: September 25, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: Holding your beloved's hand. 7:12
Question #4: How can I finally come out of my shell? 6:59
Question #5: What consequences do my desires have? 7:15
Question #6: I had an amazing conversation with my ex. 3:37
Question #7: I want to be connected to more wonderful people. 12:22

Monday: September 26, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: The unreasonableness of being kind and gentle with yourself. 8:03
Question #8: Have I been getting better at being kind to myself? 5:07
Question #9: This unkindness is pervasive. 4:58

Tuesday: September 27, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: The unreasonableness of your connection. 8:18
Question #10: How can I make friends at school? 4:53
Question #11: I let my students have their feelings. 7:22
Question #12: I want to pay this bill. 13:13

Wednesday: September 28, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: This is my beloved and this is my beloved and this is my beloved. 11:40
Question #13: I have a powerful desire for this relationship. 8:23
Question #14: I really like my friend. 4:32
Question #15: I feel better about all this. 2:54

Thursday: September 29, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: The relationship you have with your beloved. 15:39
Question #16: The question under the question. 12:34
Question #17: Learning the lesson of what happened before. 11:19
Question #18: Why don't I want a relationship? 5:24

Friday: September 30, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: The power of your imagination. 9:31
Question #19: How do I get rid of these blocks? 6:25
Question #20: How do I relate to these people? 9:19

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Unreasonable Relationship

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