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How This Works

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What's this about?

So, we know that it is all very interesting to listen in as we handsome non-physical types go on and on about instant manifestation, following what feels better, and inspired action.

Of course, we are only bringing you what you are asking for.

This is the very thing we are bringing you now: How It Works.

What we are most interested in offering you is the practical application of this insight.

If this were a different environment, say a motivational setting, we might say that this series is all about How To Win The Lottery or How To Lose Weight or How To Have The Love Of Your Life or, even, How To Be Happy Now.

It is all of these things and none of them, at the same time.

You see, you are a vibrational being, above all else.

Every single piece and part of your reality flows from that.

This reality is a playground.

And it is not real, at least not in the way you think things should be real.

There is a magic at play here.

In this series of seven delicious conversations enhanced and amplified by your delicious questions and the powerful answers that they bring to the table, we will be walking you through how these things work.

You will not be satisfied by this series of conversations...

You will not be contented by this series of conversations...

You will not be assuaged by this series of conversations...

You will find the freedom that is literally exploding everywhere in your reality...

You will find the abundance that is literally bouncing everywhere in your reality...

You will find the joy that is literally flowing everywhere in your reality...

You will find the unconditional love that is making all of this possible.

In this series of amazing conversations, we will show you, through our example, and in response to your powerful asking, exactly How This Works.

Today is that day. Now is that time. This is that place. And here is where it happens.

We know that this will be, as always happens, the best of these series. We look forward, as we always do, to connecting with you through this magic. It will be very delicious and very practical and quite wonderful, indeed.


July 21, 2016: What you see from your leading edge is the void.

July 23, 2016: This is the new beginning.

July 23, 2016: I feel a wonderful anticipation.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: July 23, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: This is the new beginning. 7:32
Question #1: I don't understand how everything can change in an instant. 15:09
Question #2: I feel a wonderful anticipation. 12:31

Sunday: July 24, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: Your capacity for deciding what you want and where you're going to put the emphasis. 15:32
Question #4: Why don't I let myself be supported and helped? 6:27
Question #5: I stepped on a bee. 7:38
Question #7: I feel like I'm spinning in a circle when I'm turning away from the contrast. 5:43

Monday: July 25, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: Everyone and everything, in every way, is helping you. 12:23
Question #8: How do I get better at allowing? 6:33
Question #9: What are the mechanics of how my thoughts work? 9:23
Question #10: I like what I'm creating here. 4:33

Tuesday: July 26, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: Your intention arises from abundance. 13:21
Question #11: What does it mean to say that I'm using fat to hide from my fears? 5:44
Question #12: Is this the same as being willing to have? 13:27
Question #13: This feeling of betrayal. 5:34

Wednesday: July 27, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Alignment trumps everything. 11:34
Question #14: What is enlightenment? 5:40
Question #15: How can I feel alignment when I'm facing my world? 5:48
Question #16: The value of these thoughts is in their contrast. 4:09
Question #17: I don't have to worry about those thoughts. 7:57

Thursday: July 28, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: There's no order of difficulty. 12:17
Question #18: What if I can't find a better feeling? 7:14
Question #19: What was that surge of energy I felt? 7:02
Question #20: Paying attention to the feeling better. 2:54
Question #21: Why did this happen if I was thinking better-feeling thoughts? 11:59
Question #22: It feels better to feel better. 2:37

Friday: July 29, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: There is no problem here. 10:20
Question #23: I was worrying. 6:02
Question #24: What about meditation? 3:42
Question #25: I have a knot in my stomach. 7:25

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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How This Works

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