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Channeling Your Life

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What's this about?

Your personality, formed by the thoughts that you put your attention on, is constantly channeling the specific forms of your life.

In this series of seven daily conversations, along with your powerful questions, we invite you to notice how this works and what arises when you know that your preferences are nothing less than sacred.

You see, your experience is completely determined by you.

You may have forgotten this through the experience of living in an illusory and very painful chaotic universe.

However, since you actually live in an intentional universe that follows your lead, you are quite capable of going where you actually intend to go.

By noticing that you are the one making these decisions, and letting the universe of your thoughts do the arranging and handle the how of the unfolding, you are liberating yourself to make the decisions that feel right and delicious to you right now.

As we so very much love to say, this series of conversations will be the best to date, as we ride the leading edge with you. We look forward to connecting with you in whatever way that feels right to you.


June 25, 2016: Channeling your life.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: June 18, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: Channeling your life. 9:57
Question #1: Deepening appreciation of what's going on in front of me. 8:16
Question #2: Contrast and opinions. 7:40

Sunday: June 19, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: The illusory nature of the chaotic universe. 10:51
Question #3: Why do I keep doing this? 11:04
Question #4: I went to a wedding and had an OK time. 12:15
Question #5: Judging myself for changing my mind. 6:12
Question #6: The willingness to let it flow through me. 4:59
Question #7: Good doesn't mean an external judgement. 7:02

Monday: June 20, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: The attention you give to your intention. 9:39
Question #8: I have a strong preference for lush greenery and a beautiful view. 3:55
Question #9: Is this what you mean by riding the wave? 4:01
Question #10: A noticing of ease. 4:28

Tuesday: June 21, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: What happened in the chaotic universe. 17:48
Question #11: What can I do when I'm in the middle of feeling bad? 10:29
Question #12: Do I feel bad because I'm not happy enough? 21:47

Wednesday: June 22, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: Tolerating the intolerable. 15:52
Question #13: My friend called as I had intended. 15:46
Question #14: I really am tolerating the intolerable. 16:34
Question #15: I feel like I did something wrong in trying to make money. 17:12

Thursday: June 23, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6: The importance of contrast. 9:39
Question #16: How can I release my innate need to control my universe? 10:26
Question #17: This old relationship. 7:19
Question #18: Potato chips and strong coffee. 4:50

Friday: June 24, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Channeling your life. 11:23
Question #19: I want my whole life to be this beautiful. 13:18
Question #20: Coaching my mother. 5:27
Question #21: All my needs are met. 9:56

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Channeling Your Life

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