The Magic of Wonder and Delight :: Register

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The Magic of Wonder and Delight

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What's this about?

When you are willing to look at your reality through the magic of wonder and delight, it is amazing what can happen.

Your willingness to see things as they are, not as you are afraid they might be, can very well liberate you from any idea that you feel has you constricted or bound.

The past is no gauge to the future, as we like to say. You are not bound to the past in any way, shape, or form.

So, when you decide to let wonder and delight be the standard for your looking, what you will see will be quite wonderful and quite delicious, indeed.

In practical terms, here's what this can look like:

Instead of seeing what you don't have...

...You see what you do have.

Instead of thinking about what is missing...

...You think about how it's all coming together beautifully.

Instead of worrying about the future...

...You give your attention to what is working right now.

As it applies to specific topics in your life, here's what this can look like:

Instead of thinking that money can only come to you in limited ways...

You open up your mind to the endless channels of good that are possible.

And... you let all that good flow and come to you.

And... you receive what is your by right of your beingness.

Instead of thinking that the state of your body defines who you are...

You realize that your body is perfect as it is, and getting better all the time.

And... you feel better in your body and about your body.

And... you decide to let yourself and everyone else off the hook about these temporary conditions.

Instead of wishing that your beloved would be the person you want them to be...

You realize that you are in the right relationship right now.

And... you feel the perfection of how you both go to this point.

And... you decide it's OK for you both to be exactly as you are, knowing the relationship is actually evolving right now.

If you have been worshiping at the altar of fear, worry, and despair, this might be just the right conversation for you right now.

Even if you have been just getting by with the help of resignation and you want to feel the renewal of your own powerful imagination, this might also be just the right conversation for you right now.

As for us, from where we sit, we know this is going to be the best of these conversations that we have had with you yet.

That's how the magic of wonder and delight works!


May 28, 2016: The magic in this series of conversations.

May 28, 2016: Can you talk about scripting?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 28, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #1: The magic in this series of conversations. 7:01
Question #1: Can you talk about scripting? 5:27
Question #2: I am done playing this game with my weight. 18:26

Sunday: May 29, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #2: The magic of your reality is everywhere. 6:37
Question #4: How do I know that I'm creating my reality? 6:56
Question #5: I love Zebras. 14:08
Question #6: I don't like what's going on here with my stuff. 7:10

Monday: May 30, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #3: The key is where you put your attention. 6:22
Question #7: My doctor thought I was younger than I am. 5:58
Question #8: What about parallel realities? 12:46
Question #9: I feel like I'm not communicating effectively. 9:36

Tuesday: May 31, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #4: The wonder and delights happens with you having to intend it. 7:31
Question #10: All of a sudden, I have a lot of work to do. 7:50
Question #11: The dilemma of trying to fix things. 14:08

Wednesday: June 1, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #5: There is magic in literally everything in front of you. 8:25
Question #12: What about my beloved? 7:42
Question #13: There was this one guy. 8:50
Question #14: My knees hurt. 10:06
Question #15: It is my choice to decide. 4:33

Thursday: June 2, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #6:You don't have to do anything to be here now. 6:13
Question #16: How can I have more energy? 6:29
Question #17: I want to feel better about paying off my sons' loans. 2:48
Question #18: I want to leave but they like me being there. 6:51
Question #19: Amassing money doesn't feel good. 7:36

Friday: June 3, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Trusting yourself. 6:44
Question #20: They aren't returning my emails and calls. 10:31
Question #21: More about the freedom of having cash. 3:18
Question #22: Naming what I want. 9:57

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The Magic of Wonder and Delight

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