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Something Wonderful

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What's this about?

Sometimes the thought that feels better is very general.

Sometimes the best way to be at peace with a specific idea is to walk away from the specifics and go general, as our friends Abraham might say.

In this wonderful series of 7 daily interactions, we will be inviting you to take a broader view, one that we are very familiar with, and to continue disentangling yourself with the specific details you think you have to manage and to look at your life as a continuing idea of something wonderful that is actually happening.

Lest you think this is pie-in-the-sky, we invite you to consider one thing: how much return do you get for the effort that is required in your push to manage any one thing?

When you let these specifics organize themselves, and they will, you get the relief that arises from letting go of your tight grip and relaxing into the inevitability that something wonderful is at play.

You know how powerful it is when you stop trying so hard.

In this series of wonderful and perfectly-timed conversations, coupled with your powerful questions and the magical answers that arise in response, we invite you to do that very thing.

Something wonderful is at play in every moment of every day wherever you are and no matter what brought you here.


April 23, 2016: Something wonderful is at play.

April 23, 2016: What is the difference between ignoring and turning away?

April 24, 2016: The specific contrast that arises to a broad idea...

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: April 23, 2016

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Conversation #1: Something wonderful is at play. 9:38
Question #1: What is the difference between ignoring and turning away? 10:20

Sunday: April 24, 2016

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Conversation #2: The contrast of taking action. 9:41
Question #3: How can I help my neighbor? 21:52
Question #5: A dream about my ex and his new wife. 8:22

Monday: April 25, 2016

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Conversation #3: It's never too early and never too late. 7:50

Tuesday: April 26, 2016

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Conversation #4: Everything is temporary. 7:24
Directive #48: My vibrantly healthy body. 10:47
Question #6: I'm afraid I have this disease I don't like. 16:40

Wednesday: April 27, 2016

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Conversation #5: These things are happening for you. 13:19
Question #8: I really hate that I keep doing this to myself. 6:58

Thursday: April 28, 2016

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Conversation #6: There is a risk. 9:26
Question #9: I felt the relief of letting myself feel the unwanted. 3:16
Question #10: Smoothing out contrast. 10:36

Friday: April 29, 2016

Description Length
Conversation #7: Something wonderful is always available to you. 9:50
Question #11: I made that person upset just because I had an opinion. 7:31
Question #12: My ability to be present with other people. 13:31
Question #13: I'm fed up with all this hard work. 16:15

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Something Wonderful

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