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What's this about?

In this radical 7-day series of conversations, we invite you to give yourself permission to actually have what it is that you actually want.

Nothing is more important in the process of intentional manifestation than giving yourself permission to have what you intend to have.

And, for most of our physical friends, we notice this particularly around the association you hold between the actual having and the imagining of what it will take to get there to the having.

In other words: the HOW.

But the HOW is none of your business.

So, we invite you, through this series of conversations, to give yourself permission today to have what you intend to have.

In fact, we invite you to mark your intentions as APPROVED!

This may seem like either an impossible thing for all sorts of seemingly valid reasons.

Or this may seem like a ridiculously and overly simplistic approach.

And both are, in their way, correct.

But not for any of the reasons you might presume.

And, that's why this is going to be a very radical series of conversations indeed.

The invitation stands and, if it feels better to do so, come with us on this very revealing and transformational adventure!


July 18, 2015: Permission #1


July 18, 2015 You already do this in so many ways.
July 19, 2015 There may be no end to the amount of delight that you are capable of having.
July 20, 2015 Following through with it.
July 21, 2015 Letting it happen today.
July 22, 2015 Your alignment is what this is all about but you knew that already.
July 23, 2015 Maybe it's actually never too late. Really.
July 24, 2015 You've got it, you have it, it's here.
July 24, 2015 Permission Workshop #1

What's the price?

$25.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Image copyright Frank Butterfield.