Versioning Your Body Better :: Register

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Versioning Your Body Better

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What's this about?

The body you have is perfect as it is.

That does not mean you are stuck with what you have.

Not at all.

Your body is continuously evolving.

Your body is evolving through and across its many versions.

And you can have more of what you are wanting with your body.

Versioning your body into the better that you desire is a subtle act that pays off immediately.

In this series of 7 daily conversations and 7 daily processes, we invite you to tap into your ongoing versioning so that you may know your body better and have more of what you desire.

1. Versioning your body better.

2. Knowing your body is perfect and versioning into more of that.

3. Imagining what you are wanting is versioning.

4. Using versioning on a practical level throughout the day.

5. Knowing is versioning.

6. Your body is helping have its better version right now.

7. Your body is perfect.


May 30, 2024: Versioning your body better.

May 30, 2024: Versioning the body you wish to wear.

Here's what happened in this event

Thursday: May 30, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #1: Versioning your body better. 27:24
Process #1: Versioning the body you wish to wear. 10:36

Friday: May 31, 2024

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Conversation #2: Knowing your body is perfect and versioning into more of that. 38:08
Process #2: Floating downstream with your body. 10:38

Saturday: June 1, 2024

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Conversation #3: Imagining what you are wanting is versioning. 31:45
Process #3: Imagining your body better. 9:24

Sunday: June 2, 2024

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Conversation #4: Using versioning on a practical level throughout the day. 27:44
Process #4: Spiraling through your versions. 15:38

Monday: June 3, 2024

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Conversation #5: Knowing is versioning. 25:12
Process #5: Knowing that your body is being carried. 9:21

Tuesday: June 4, 2024

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Conversation #6: Your body is helping have its better version right now. 21:49
Process #6: Seeing the extensions of your body. 10:56

Wednesday: June 5, 2024

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Conversation #7: Your body is perfect. 30:04
Process #7: Seeing through the lens of perfection. 10:35

Wednesday: June 5, 2024

Description Length
Question #1: Is it true we need to deal with our emotions in order to lose weight? 23:31
Question #2: Can you explain what's going on metaphysically with my leg and foot? 8:12
Question #3: Are nail salons toxic? 6:35
Question #4: Does how many sexual partners I've had make a difference? 5:49
Question #5: I love trusting my body in terms of what I eat and drink. 3:35

What's the price?

$25.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Versioning Your Body Better

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