Versioning Cash :: Register

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Versioning Cash

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What's this about?

Cash, being an object in your physical reality, is not in fact an object.

It is subject to you as is everything else.

And you are manifesting it consistently and constantly.

We recommend you consider versioning as one way of looking at the manifesting of cash.

Everything in your physical reality is an extension of you and is a version of you and that includes cash dollars, pounds, euro, and whatever currency might float your boat.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to version into your reality more and more cash as it delights you to do so.

1. Versioning cash.

2. Cash is everywhere all the time.

3. The source of cash is abundance.

4. The forms of cash and how they please you.

5. You are wealthy now.

6. Liberate cash instead of denying it.

7. Versioning cash is what you are doing right now.


February 3, 2024: Versioning cash.

February 3, 2024: Meeting a version of you who is quite wealthy.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: February 3, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #1: Versioning cash. 44:42
Process #1: Meeting a version of you who is quite wealthy. 12:31
Question #1: Reflections versus extensions. 9:08
Question #2: How can I version more cash? 7:47
Question #3: Will this nightmare current ever disappear? 9:56
Question #4: My mother sent me cash yesterday. 24:19
Question #5: More about reflections versus extensions. 11:55
Question #6: I was afraid it might disappear just as quickly. 12:01

Sunday: February 4, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #2: Cash is everywhere all the time. 29:42
Process #2: There is a version of you that is wealth in expression as cash. 18:27
Question #7: My classmate died. 14:13
Question #8: When should I version? 11:26
Question #9: I was very much in the moment with the contrast as it was helping me create. 17:03

Monday: February 5, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #3: The source of cash is abundance. 43:47
Question #10: I'm not being very consistent. 15:04
Question #11: More about having. 16:19

Tuesday: February 6, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #4: The forms of cash and how they please you. 20:23
Question #12: What can I generally say about what I want? 3:27
Question #13: How can I leverage this contrast? 7:20
Question #14: Was this a New Age thing to do? 13:26
Question #15: I had a good cry, a burger, and a milkshake and allowed myself to enjoy them. 26:02
Question #16: I really don't know what's coming. 15:29
Question #17: How are money and sex connected? 9:05

Wednesday: February 7, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #5: You are wealthy now. 32:59
Question #18: This left me feeling disoriented. 8:48
Question #19: I need this shift to happen. 20:25
Question #20: I felt an opening in the conversation. 4:33

Thursday: February 8, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #6: Liberating cash instead of denying it. 13:37
Question #21: About spending money. 7:59
Question #22: I felt an opening here. 10:41
Question #23: How can I change my mind about how constricting great wealth feels? 5:36

Friday: February 9, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #7: Versioning cash is what you are doing right now. 22:50
Question #24: I want more evidence that I have liberated my great wealth. 11:10
Question #25: I get whatever I want. 6:56
Question #26: More about falling back and letting things evolve away from me. 12:07
Question #27: I go from shiny object to shiny object. 6:27

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Versioning Cash

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