Desire, Intuition, And Your Helpers :: Register

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Desire, Intuition, And Your Helpers

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What's this about?

You are manifesting physical reality from the desire to do so. This is simple.

What may not be simple is how to get what you want.

And there's a reason for that.

You have what you want and you essentially know it as do your helpers.

But you, yourself, may be a little confused.

Your helpers can help you with that.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to bring your helpers to the table as it feels better to do so and let them help you have more of what you are wanting in ways that delight you.

1. Desire, intuition, and your helpers.

2. Intuition is what is simple, easy, obvious, or feels better.

3. Your helpers are everywhere.

4. The ghostly aspect of this series that you might not have considered.

5. Delighting in the having is mostly what you do.

6. Your helpers do know what you want.

7. Intuition is the key that opens every door.


February 17, 2024: Desire, intuition, and your helpers.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: February 17, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #1: Desire, intuition, and your helpers. 30:25
Question #1: Is there really nothing to let go of? 12:29
Question #2: I have a desire for more cash. 12:33
Question #3: I want more safety and security. 10:14
Question #4: They said they saw me doing workshops with groups. 7:14
Question #5: A bracelet and a spoon are missing. 11:15
Question #6: What about karma versus alignment? 12:59

Sunday: February 18, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #2: Desire, intuition, and your helpers. 21:31
Question #7: Can you help me move past these flying monkeys? 13:08
Question #8: I have three questions. 9:29
Question #9: More about anxiety and courage. 16:34
Question #10: I had a dream about manifesting my beloved. 17:29

Monday: February 19, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #3: Your helpers are everywhere. 32:59
Question #11: Is the bonus period like living happily ever after? 5:32
Question #12: There is no debt in the universe. 13:26
Question #13: I have made the decision for this state I am in. 4:13
Question #14: We're sneaking around having sex. 8:18
Question #15: There is no higher self. 2:54

Tuesday: February 20, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #4: The ghostly aspect of this series that you might not have considered. 38:02
Question #16: I desire to expand my communication with my guides and helpers. 17:33
Question #17: What about surrender? 12:14
Question #18: What about vision boards? 2:49
Question #19: Sometimes I notice a blending of the bubbles. 6:28
Question #20: More about vision boards. 3:52

Wednesday: February 21, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #5: Delighting in the having is mostly what you do. 18:51
Question #21: I pick up manifesting as a tool when I want something extra. 10:42
Question #22: Can you share your opinions on ancestral healing? 12:53
Question #23: I'm in synch with my other versions. 11:31
Question #24: Ancestral healing with my clients. 8:10
Question #25: I'm birthing. 10:33

Thursday: February 22, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #6: Your helpers do know what you want. 23:19
Question #26: More about the light that comes from the center of our chest. 9:53
Question #27: Adam, his rib, Eve, and externalized desires. 12:23
Question #28: Should I write my book? 5:24
Question #29: So how do we manifest if we don't know about it? 17:34

Friday: February 23, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #7: Intuition is the key that opens every door. 19:10
Question #30: Can I just decide I'm slim and trim? 5:08
Question #31: My friend is standing strong and steady. 3:54
Question #32: What can I do on a daily basis to assist my helpers in helping me? 8:56
Question #33: She gave me all this money. 2:52
Question #34: More about jail and keys that open every door. 25:43
Question #35: I don't really have a question. 6:34

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Desire, Intuition, And Your Helpers

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