Right Here, Right Now #155
Your helpers never lose sight of the magical flow of your life, even if you do. Isn't that a delicious thing to remember?
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Right Here, Right Now #155
Your helpers never lose sight of the magical flow of your life, even if you do. Isn't that a delicious thing to remember?
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The confluence of your presence in this place and at this time is a wholly unique experience. The Unconditional Love that you are has never expressed itself as it is doing so right now. This is your leading edge. This is where all the magic and the power can be found. Always.
You are an amazing being of light, manifesting a physical reality of astounding color and sound and texture and flavor and aroma, through the magic of contrast, organized by infinite intelligence, fueled by powerful desire, and underwritten completely by unconditional love.
Here is one way to look at your life:
Living in the chaotic universe:
Here is another way to look at your life:
Living in the intentional universe:
If you are preparing for the chaotic universe, then you will be surrounding yourself with more and more ideas of how that chaos is the order of the day.
And, as you relax and realize that All is Well, indeed, then you will begin to notice that the intentional universe, the one you are creating yourself through your intention, is what is actually happening.
Once you awaken to your intentional universe, you will never again truly be able to function in the chaotic universe. This is a very good thing, indeed.
When you say to yourself, "This is the way it is," you have an excellent opportunity to check in and see if that is the way you actually like.
If it is, then you are on the right track and might enjoy further such declarations!
If it isn't, then you have a wonderful moment, right then and there, to decide for what you want instead.
The only thing we would remind you is that if you are hanging your hat now on the actions of others or particular circumstances, it will be much easier to have more of what you actually want by focusing on what you expect to feel as a result of this new reality.
You create vibrationally, not by moving chess pieces around on a chess board.
It's all about how you expect to feel that brings the Universe of your thoughts in such perfect focus and which delivers much more than you can even imagine.
Freedom and wealth are not necessarily the same.
You can certainly have one without the other.
And you can have neither.
But you can also have both.
If we were in your shoes, we would put any question of this to rest by simply noticing how very much you already have of both.
Awareness begets awareness and gets easier and more obvious with just a bit of practice.
Now would be a very good time to do so.
Nothing actually ever ends but all things evolve and this evolution is constant.
As you follow those thoughts that feel better to you, you are aligning yourself with the evolution that is most amazing of all: that of unconditional love, which is evolving itself through you right now.
This creation known as your body is astonishing.
And we do highly recommend that you let it be the amazing, wonderful, delicious creation that it actually is.
Your ability to have what you want is directly related to your willingness to not have it.
What we love about you is how you allow what you want to happen so beautifully. This happens more than you tend to believe.
When you are saying to yourself "I am creating my reality," quite literally what you are doing is you are standing forth at the very center of your being and declaring a truth that is actually in perfect alignment with who you are regardless of what is going on.
If you want security, turn within, focus on your ability to create what you want, and rely upon that. Because that is highly reliable.
Contrast arises naturally in every situation, no matter what it is that you are thinking about or where it is that you are pointing your focus of concentration consciousness.
It's very important to remember, as you're spinning straw into gold, that contrast is actually helping you define and refine what it is that you are wanting.
If you did not have contrast, if you did not have those thoughts arising--either in manifested form or just in the ideas of them--that were showing you how you didn't want to go in the direction you were pointing in, then you would not understand the value of or be able to keenly define what it is that you're really wanting.
We understand why it would be very, very delicious--in concept at least--to live a life where there was very little contrast whatsoever.
But what we want to remind you is that it is the contrast of your experience that has actually helped you over and over and over again to come very clearly into alignment with what you are really wanting.
When you bring a problem to be fixed into your Vortex, you will get kicked out.
When you bring an idea to be amplified into your Vortex, you will fly
So, what problem is just contrast pointing to an idea that you want to amplify?
Love never ends.
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