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Your Helpers & Money

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What's this about?

We invite you to intentionally ask for the help that is always available to you, particularly as it pertains to the topic of money.

You see, you never intended to just get by.

You came here to thrive.

And your Helpers know this very well. Much better, in fact, than you may currently realize, even about yourself.

And they are at your beck and call to assist you right now.

When you call upon their assistance intentionally, you are making a powerful and delicious choice.

Through this series of conversations, we will be walking you through various ways that you can connect directly with your Helpers and ask them to help you with the very specific topic of money.

Although you are always being assisted in a number of ways that go broader and deeper than you might imagine from where you sit, it is always a very powerful thing to ask your Helpers for their help from a direct and intentional place.

If it feels better to do so, we invite you to join us for this delicious and rewarding journey.


June 27, 2013: Your Helpers & Money - Sample #1

June 28, 2013: Your Helpers & Money - Sample #2

June 29, 2013: Your Helpers & Money - Sample #3

July 1, 2013: Your Helpers & Money - Introduction

July 3, 2013: Your Helpers & Money #1

July 9, 2013: Your Helpers Are Here To Help You (PDF)

Special note for this event

Please Note:

There is a Part 2 and Part 3 to this series that are also available.

What's the price?

$25.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Your Helpers & Money

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