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My Perfect Partner

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What's this about?

In this 21-day series, we focus on what it feels like and what it looks like to be in a delicious relationship with your perfect partner.

In that perfection, what we see is how there is a delicious balance in coming together and in contrast that you provide for each other.

It doesn't matter what your current relationship status is, you will find the perfection of where you are now as you create more and more of what you are wanting.

If you are single and wanting to be in a relationship...

Then this series will be perfect for you as it will allow you to put yourself in the vibrational state of being there already.

You will realize you no longer have to wait to feel the delight and joy of the connection you are finding. And, in so doing, you'll be able to imagine more clearly than ever as you open yourself to receive what you are wanting in an astonishingly delicious relationship with your perfect partner.

If you are in a relationship...

Then this series will be perfect for you as it will allow you to refine and define into more of what you are wanting as you feel into that expanding vibrational state.

You will have opportunities, day after day of the series, to gather more date on what you want and find wonderful ways through the workshops to let go of what you no longer are a match to.

If you're not sure what you want...

Then this series will be perfect for you because it will be like trying on different kinds, sizes, and colors of possibilities and finding what is exactly a perfect fit for you.


March 14, 2012: My Perfect Partner Conversation #1

March 17, 2012: My Perfect Partner Conversation #4

April 3, 2012: My Perfect Partner Workshop #3 (Sample)

What's the price?

$75.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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My Perfect Partner

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