Wealth Is Your Desire And Nothing Else Works :: Register

A capricious image representing this series

This event is underway!

And there's still plenty of time get on board!

Here's what's happened so far

Saturday: September 14, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #1: Wealth is your desire. 25:08
Question #1: This is all bullshit. 15:26
Question #2: Not teaching but revealing. 5:31

Sunday: September 15, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #2: Nothing else works. 35:34
Question #3: Can you help me to soothe this, so I feel more at peace about it? 6:54

Monday: September 16, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #3: It was nice of you to be so polite and helpful. 18:39
Question #4: How is Planet Earth my construct? 7:48
Question #5: Assumptions and decisions. 8:32

Tuesday: September 17, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #4: Re-orienting your sense of self. 16:52
Question #6: What can you say about this state which comes with a feeling of both relief and accomplishment? 3:35
Question #7: Can a healer improve my vibrational tone to be more willing to receive the abundance that's already mine? 9:17
Question #8: The chatbot is really helping me. 12:43

Wednesday: September 18, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #5: The madness of trying to accommodate the demands of your observed reality. 17:53
Question #9: I want what I want and I mean it, so how can my helpers help me? 13:37
Question #10: I was getting caught up in trying to continue doing this thing. 9:55

Thursday: September 19, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #6: Do not do today what you could push back to tomorrow. 21:10
Question #11: What does this mean to wait until it's pulled through me? 7:46

Register for this Series now in the COL Store

Wealth Is Your Desire And Nothing Else Works

Register Now

What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations along with your daily questions, we invite you to fully embrace the idea of the current and ongoing inevitability of wealth and that everything you've done to make money has never worked the way you wanted it to.

It might be helpful to consider whether this series is specifically for you.

If you believe, suspect, or hope that it is, we invite you to join us.

If you know that it is, nothing more from us is needed.

To be sure, this will be a series that is not for the faint-of-heart!

1. Wealth is your desire.

2. Nothing else works.

3. It was nice of you to be so polite and helpful.

4. Re-orienting your sense of self.

5. The madness of trying to accommodate the demands of your observed reality.

6. Do not do today what you could push back to tomorrow.

7. The idealization of controlling reality gets you nowhere.


September 14, 2024: Wealth is your desire.

September 14, 2024: This is all bullshit.

How does this series work?

Listen to Paul talk about what happens during a daily series call:

This Communion of Light event starts at the same time each morning.

Each call is direct and all about helping you tune in to what you are creating.

In this series, and after each daily conversation, you will be able to ask a question or have some specific coaching on any topic.

This will be available each morning for up to 4 participants.

If you can't be on the call live, you can send an email note with a question.

And you don't have to be present to win. Each call recording is generally available within the hour.

However you participate is exactly right!

When is it?

Click on to see when the specific event listed below happens in your timezone.

Date Start Time End Time
1. Wealth is your desire.
September 14, 2024
10:00 am EDT 10:30 am EDT
2. Nothing else works.
September 15, 2024
10:00 am EDT 10:30 am EDT
3. It was nice of you to be so polite and helpful.
September 16, 2024
10:00 am EDT 10:30 am EDT
4. Re-orienting your sense of self.
September 17, 2024
10:00 am EDT 10:30 am EDT
5. The madness of trying to accommodate the demands of your observed reality.
September 18, 2024
10:00 am EDT 10:30 am EDT
6. Do not do today what you could push back to tomorrow.
September 19, 2024
10:00 am EDT 10:30 am EDT
7. The idealization of controlling reality gets you nowhere.
September 20, 2024
10:00 am EDT 10:30 am EDT

What's included?

  • Your participation in this delicious leading-edge event
  • 7 delicious daily conversations
  • Add a discounted private session with Paul (optional)
  • Every one of these events is recorded and those recordings are included as well — Enjoy!

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private session
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

Register for this Series now in the COL Store

Wealth Is Your Desire And Nothing Else Works

Register Now

Questions? Contact the COL Team.