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Low-key Manifesting

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations along with your daily questions, we invite you to keep things simple and ease your way into low-key manifesting.

The key to intentionally manifesting anything is to decide it is already done and then get out of the way.

Your action to make it happen works when what you are doing feels better to you in the doing of it.

If you are working hard at doing something, the only thing you're working hard at is pushing against yourself.

1. The idea of low-key manifesting.

2. Not giving a fig.

3. Letting it all be easy.

4. Flowing into the havingness.

5. Refreshing and relaxing is how the magic happens.

6. The madness of motivational theory.

7. You have it now.


August 17, 2024: The idea of low-key manifesting.

August 17, 2024: What is the point of your talking about manifesting over and over again?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: August 17, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #1: The idea of low-key manifesting. 14:36
Question #1: What is the point of your talking about manifesting over and over again? 9:31
Question #2: About the abstract nature of unwanted contrast. 4:27

Sunday: August 18, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #2: Not giving a fig. 22:48
Question #3: What would happen if I stopped manifesting you talking about manifesting? 5:55
Question #4: What can you say about this shifting? 7:03
Question #5: My sister called me about a raffle. 12:42
Question #6: What about my house in Asheville? 5:03

Monday: August 19, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #3: Letting it all be easy. 18:35
Question #7: Could you help me to believe that I have millions in my bank accounts? 4:58
Question #8: A non-answer to the question posed. 5:14
Question #9: But I really do give a fig about my health. 17:52

Tuesday: August 20, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #4: Flowing into the havingness. 10:39
Question #10: There is no distinction between me and the Universe of my thoughts. 9:29
Question #11: I've had some discontinuities. 20:09
Question #12: Are we putting it back in the stream? 6:33

Wednesday: August 21, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #5: Refreshing and relaxing is how the magic happens. 20:59
Question #13: It became clearer that even though there is separation, it is not against me. 4:00
Question #14: I'm feeling contrast between giddiness and cautious optimism. 13:54
Question #15: I've been watching a lot of true crime. 10:36
Question #16: My mother-in-law has passed on. 12:40

Thursday: August 22, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #6: The madness of motivational theory. 22:01
Question #17: Am I hooked on trying to do the work? 10:16
Question #18: More about my mother. 15:08
Question #19: I'm not having as much fun imagining as I was. 13:05
Question #20: I tend to lose the thread. 9:44

Friday: August 23, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #7: You have it now. 26:40
Question #21: Should I close down my business? 14:47
Question #22: I've really enjoyed this series. 3:01
Question #23: This ocean of wealth. 12:34

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Low-key Manifesting

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