The Metaphysics Of Imagining :: Register

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The Metaphysics Of Imagining

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What's this about?

We cannot overstate the importance and crucial function of imagining.

Literally everything you see before your eyes and feel beneath your fingers is arising out of your imagining.

Imagining, along with intending and allowing, is an ongoing event that is not done once and then walked away from.

Imagining is how the very ground beneath your feet rises up to meet you.

In this series of 7 conversations and 7 processes, we invite you to consider the metaphysics of imagining and then apply what you discover to your daily experience as an affirmative act, realizing the intending and imagining being of light that you are.

1. The metaphysics of imagining.

2. Applying the metaphysics of imagining.

3. The power of intending and the feel-better of intuition.

4. Don't worry about needing to think big.

5. Imagining your capacity to use imagining to your benefit right now, right here.

6. Imagining runs one way only.

7. Relaxing into your ongoing and continuing imagining.


May 16, 2024: The metaphysics of imagining.

May 16, 2024: Giving life to what you are seeing.

Here's what happened in this event

Thursday: May 16, 2024

Description Length
Conversation #1: The metaphysics of imagining. 26:13
Process #1: Giving life to what you are seeing. 8:11

Friday: May 17, 2024

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Conversation #2: Applying the metaphysics of imagining. 39:21
Process #2: Painting with your imagining. 10:58

Saturday: May 18, 2024

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Conversation #3: The power of intending and the feel-better of intuition. 31:08
Process #3: Feeling the feel-better of what surrounds you. 11:09

Sunday: May 19, 2024

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Conversation #4: Don't worry about needing to think big. 27:55
Process #4: Seeing the right time and right place from a distance. 13:13

Monday: May 20, 2024

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Conversation #5: Imagining your capacity to use imagining to your benefit right now, right here. 24:44
Process #5: Seeing how the objects around you are arising from your imagining. 10:35

Tuesday: May 21, 2024

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Conversation #6: Imagining runs one way only. 19:21
Process #6: Seeing these extensions of you. 10:28

Wednesday: May 22, 2024

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Conversation #7: Relaxing into your ongoing and continuing imagining. 23:11
Process #7: Seeing how you are connected to every other part of you. 12:26

Wednesday: May 22, 2024

Description Length
Question #1: I'm thinking about stopping my practice so I can focus on what I need. 13:06
Question #2: What is the key to imagining what I want so vividly that I don't care if I have it at all? 9:49
Question #3: Is my future version of me driving or informing my current version to take better care of myself? 6:02
Question #4: Since I'm manifesting and imagining, does it take more energy to go somewhere new? 19:19
Question #5: I had the thought that perception is complex. 9:38
Question #6: I see how innovation works. 9:48
Question #7: It seems like it all fell apart. 2:36

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The Metaphysics Of Imagining

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