Remembering Your Wealth :: Register

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Remembering Your Wealth

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to remember the wealth you have now from the perspective of memory.

Wealth, from where we sit, is a way of talking about the manifesting forms of cash which arise out of your vibration of cash.

It's logical to talk about the accumulation of wealth and what it will be like once you are quite wealthy.

But if you can think about what it would be like to have a plentitude of wealth, even in the most general of ways, then you have it already.

If you don't see it with your eyes in your number one reality, then know that there are versions of you who are awash in wealth in ways that are utterly delightful.

In these conversations, we invite you to side with these versions and to think of your wealth as something well into play and to conjure up memories of what it used to be like to think that wealth was a distant proposition.

1. Remembering your wealth.

2. The good old days when times were different.

3. The past is happening now.

4. You are multidimensional even as you have a single idea of self.

5. Wealth is an expression.

6. Knowing your wealth now.

7. Allowing your versions to help you.


November 4, 2023: Remembering your wealth.

November 4, 2023: Can you give me a process for manifesting cash through a smartphone?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: November 4, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Remembering your wealth. 18:23
Question #1: Can you give me a process for manifesting cash through a smartphone? 13:07
Question #2: What about this lineage? 10:23
Question #3: I'm noticing how things are showing up out of thin air. 16:53
Question #4: I got a call I didn't like. 7:57

Sunday: November 5, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: The good old days when times were different. 20:09
Question #5: I don't know which hotel to choose. 20:10
Question #6: I got angry when I was paying my bills. 7:08
Question #7: How do I relieve his pain? 10:51
Question #8: I have a new job that I really like. 12:51

Monday: November 6, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: The past is happening now. 27:16
Question #9: I haven't found a thought that feels better consistently. 6:28
Question #10: I am bumping into strong resistance. 4:23
Question #11: My monster is the fear of the future. 9:06
Question #12: This resistance won't move. 20:48
Question #13: I'm getting lost with the time. 2:14

Tuesday: November 7, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: You are multidimensional even as you have a single idea of self. 23:38
Process #1: Your versions in communion. 12:28
Question #14: What about this scripting? 8:48
Question #15: How can I find my fear so I can sit with it and let it shift? 5:01
Question #16: How do I leverage this? 6:06
Question #17: That question really lit me up. 2:56
Question #18: I don't specifically know what I want. 9:15
Question #19: What about scripting the future? 5:21

Wednesday: November 8, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: Wealth is an expression. 17:24
Question #20: I have these blocks to manifesting my fifty million. 8:54
Question #21: Can you give me advice on how to slow down this type of thinking? 8:42
Question #22: Do I keep accumulating more? 7:30
Question #23: Our ideas of a settlement don't match. 7:19
Question #24: I started looking into rentals and that didn't feel good. 5:38
Question #25: I desire wealth without a job. 11:02

Thursday: November 9, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: Knowing your wealth now. 18:10
Question #26: The metaphysics of anxiety. 16:07
Question #27: I had the thought that I won't make any money this year. 9:59
Question #28: What are the boundaries? 6:45
Question #29: I turn away from the dramas. 11:26
Question #30: It's the day after the lottery. 12:17
Question #31: I want my beloved to experience the wealth that is his to have. 10:55

Friday: November 10, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: Allowing your versions to help you. 23:26
Question #32: More about the day after the lottery. 3:40
Question #33: About self-improvement being required for manifesting. 15:25
Question #34: I want to leave this apartment but don't know where to go. 12:53
Question #35: It's my birthday. 2:26

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$50.00 USD
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Remembering Your Wealth

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