Converting Money Into Cash :: Register

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Converting Money Into Cash

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What's this about?

In the way we talk about forms of abundance and wealth, we distinguish between money and cash.

Money is abstract.

Money is something you are thinking about in either the past or the future.

It is not available to spend and you have never made any of it.

Cash is tangible.

Cash is what you have in the bank or in your wallet and can be in the form of currency, plastic cards, or coins.

It is available to spend and it is the primary manifesting form of abundance as wealth.

You can intentionally convert all the money you're dreaming of into cash.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to convert money into cash by using the power of your intention.

1. Converting money into cash.

2. The cash you have now.

3. Allowing cash to rise up.

4. Using money in your workshop.

5. Intending more cash.

6. Acknowledging the many channels of your good.

7. Knowing it is here and it is done.


September 2, 2023: Converting money into cash.

September 2, 2023: A process for converting money into cash.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: September 2, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Converting money into cash. 18:19
Process #1: A process for converting money into cash. 14:00
Question #1: What about when this rational side swoops in? 6:12
Question #2: This little bit of anxiety. 5:55
Question #3: I got some bricks of currency at the bank. 17:29
Question #4: I want to know where to put my attention. 17:12
Question #5: I didn't really follow the process. 12:44
Question #6: I want more money. 12:39

Sunday: September 3, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: The cash you have now. 17:03
Process #2: Imagining the plentitude. 6:59
Question #7: There's a fear that comes up for me that I'm a robber and going to get caught. 13:26
Question #8: I want a better balance of flow of money. 17:16
Question #9: I want to get really good at this kind of imagining. 17:56
Question #10: I want money to fall in as easily as my body shifts. 14:13
Question #11: He's still bugging me. 9:23

Monday: September 4, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: Allowing cash to rise up. 15:40
Process #3: Tapping into your knowingness. 12:23
Question #12: How can I fall in love without being attached? 6:47
Question #13: Why does getting it takes so long? 6:42
Question #14: Saying I have the cash right now seems a bit scary. 15:04
Question #15: I knew I would see the northern lights the other day. 10:07
Question #16: I don't really want to do this thing. 10:32

Tuesday: September 5, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: Using money in your workshop. 13:50
Process #4: Exploring your workshop and your holographic reality. 12:39
Question #17: I had an amazing experience with the first process. 7:17
Question #18: I feel guilty about how I don't really like my family. 7:38
Question #19: The process didn't work for me. 7:34
Question #20: About feeling worse and feeling better. 6:17

Wednesday: September 6, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: Intending more cash. 26:27
Process #5: A process for imaging and intending. 8:52
Question #21: Why is this happening? 13:48
Question #22: Am I on the right track? 4:38
Question #23: This sucks. 18:51
Question #24: I'm going to Europe and want this surgery. 12:02
Question #25: This has been amazing. 3:47
Question #26: I don't understand the letting go part. 15:36

Thursday: September 7, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: Acknowledging the many channels of your good. 21:27
Question #27: I have this problem. 5:03
Question #28: I think this is all going to take some time. 6:38
Question #29: I feel like I'm cheating. 6:20
Question #30: I feel judged. 11:36
Question #31: I had to fire this employee. 10:23
Question #32: If I have one area not going well does that affect how I'm converting money to cash. 6:38

Friday: September 8, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: Knowing it is here and it is done. 13:29
Process #6: The leading edge of your manifesting. 9:31
Question #33: I have let go of my beloved. 6:24
Question #34: Am I doing this right? 6:20
Question #35: I had a lot of family conversations this week. 21:56
Question #36: I've been delighting in these calls. 10:17
Question #37: What about this dream? 9:50

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Converting Money Into Cash

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