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Loving Your Beloved Into Form

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What's this about?

This series of 7 daily conversations is for anyone who is in love, regardless of your current state, whether single, couple, or more.

1. Loving your beloved into form. Who is your beloved, where are they, and what is love.

2. Charity begins at home. We suggest you be the primary beneficiary of any manifesting you intend.

3. More on what love is. Unconditional love has no flavor but adoration, affinity, and affection most definitely do.

4. Having your beloved right now. There is no delay regardless of state.

5. Your beloved in you. The idea of your beloved arises within you and extends out.

6. Allowing the love to flow. Not only do you love your beloved but they love you. Right now.

7. Manifesting is ongoing. No matter how you get here, you're not bound to the current circumstances.


July 29, 2023: Loving your beloved into form.

July 29, 2023: Someone is knocking on my door.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: July 29, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Loving your beloved into form. 28:26
Process #1: Meeting your beloved. 8:08
Question #1: Someone is knocking on my door. 9:01
Question #2: I wrote seven pages about love. 7:55
Question #3: My relationship with the two of them. 12:38
Question #4: That process didn't go the way I was expecting. 10:29

Sunday: July 30, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: Charity begins at home. 23:48
Process #2: Extending energy to and through your beloved. 10:19
Question #5: What about trust? 5:32
Question #6: I've never been in this kind of relationship and I feel ashamed about that fact. 10:12
Question #7: I really, really liked the process. 3:52
Question #8: I was willing to run all the red lights in that relationship. 8:49

Monday: July 31, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: More on what love is. 37:30
Process #3: Feeling the realness of the beloved's presence. 7:14
Question #9: My daughter offered me some advice. 18:11
Question #10: This change made me angry. 20:10
Question #11: What is the benefit of grieving? 12:56
Question #12: I could still see my beloved when the process was over. 12:46
Question #13: I could see all those places. 2:01

Tuesday: August 1, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: Having your beloved right now. 19:31
Process #4: Being with your beloved. 10:23
Question #14: I don't feel connected in my relationship. 7:22
Question #15: Is there an innate benefit to having one lifetime relationship? 6:22
Question #16: That process was the creation process. 16:46
Question #17: The process was good and contrasty all at the same time. 9:32

Wednesday: August 2, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: Your beloved in you. 19:55
Process #5: Walking down the street with your beloved. 11:22
Question #18: I'm noticing my attachment to them. 13:12
Question #19: I can't see his face. 5:17
Question #20: Sometimes my partner isn't basking. 8:21
Question #21: I don't want these opinions coming back up. 8:54

Thursday: August 3, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: Allowing the love to flow. 17:54
Process #6: Loving your beloved and letting them love you. 5:47
Question #22: I have a specific person and a specific place in mind. 17:24
Question #23: What I really want is just a hundred grand. 20:16
Question #24: I'm feeling love and adoration for my beloved and my cash. 11:18
Question #25: I'm feeling weird about this book. 13:28

Friday: August 4, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: Manifesting is ongoing. 26:27
Process #7: Loving your beloved. 10:57
Question #26: I'd like your insights about this. 5:56
Question #27: What about versioning and meditation? 10:37
Question #28: I think I'm someone else's beloved. 19:00
Question #29: My grandmother told me it's my birthday but it isn't. 14:49
Question #30: I have a question about my question. 13:32

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Loving Your Beloved Into Form

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