Deciding For Cash Now :: Register

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Deciding For Cash Now

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with processes and versioning as well as your powerful questions and the answers that arise to meet them, we invite you to decide for the cash you desire and to have it now.

1. Deciding for cash now. Cash is what you have already and you can have more of it.

2. Deciding and intending. Deciding is simply the act of standing behind what you're intending.

3. The power of imagining the present. You have the ability to imagine having what you desire right now.

4. Allowing the cash you decide for. Letting what you desire to rise up to meet you means not getting in its way.

5. Being generous with yourself and everyone else. Deciding for more of something is an act of generosity wherein you stand in abundance and let it flow.

6. Letting your actions amplify. Acting on something is about alignment, not accomplishment.

7. You are here now. Deciding for having cash now means being present to what you have.


June 24, 2023: Deciding for cash now.

June 24, 2023: That affirmation doesn't click for me.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: June 24, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Deciding for cash now. 28:00
Process #1: Intentionally manifesting cash. 10:64
Question #1: That affirmation doesn't click for me. 7:30
Question #2: I don't want to teach the class. 8:27
Question #3: My heart rate went up during the process. 19:26

Sunday: June 25, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: Deciding and intending. 37:39
Process #2: Intending a pineapple. 15:40
Question #4: I want to feel more unconditional love. 6:37
Question #5: What happened with the pineapple. 13:36
Question #6: What should I do? 7:19
Question #7: The pinepple became my beloved and the fourth version wasn't interested. 10:09

Monday: June 26, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: The power of imagining the present. 38:35
Process #3: Imagining the present. 11:52
Question #8: Isn't money the how? 18:40
Question #9: This has been wonderful. 1:20

Tuesday: June 27, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: Allowing the cash you decide for. 43:37
Process #4: Noticing that you are evolving through observing. 6:25
Question #10: I loved this story of cash manifesting. 11:28
Question #11: I saw a dark blob. 22:50
Question #12: Where did the lizard go? 8:32
Question #13: More about the monsters in the basement. 9:42

Wednesday: June 28, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: Being generous with yourself and everyone else. 30:14
Process #5: Being present to the perfection of this moment. 4:30
Question #14: What if I don't want to give it to them? 14:19
Question #15: They can see me but no one is listening. 21:06

Thursday: June 29, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: Letting your actions amplify. 35:50
Process #6: Amplifying through your breath. 7:44
Question #16: I'm feeling overwhelmed by all this work. 12:41
Question #17: What about perception and experience? 18:31
Question #18: Can you talk about abstract thinking? 9:42
Question #19: I want more cash now. 11:48

Friday: June 30, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: You are here now. 36:45
Question #20: This really addressed my question from yesterday. 21:43
Question #21: I'm missing Charlotte. 13:01
Question #22: The power of stubbornness. 21:32

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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Deciding For Cash Now

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