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Relaxing Into Wealth

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What's this about?

Whatever wealth means to you, we invite you to relax into wealth using your versions to help you through these 7 daily conversations along with processes and your delicious questions.

1. Having wealth. You already have you desire whether you can touch it or not.

2. The power of not needing it. Tell the universe of your thoughts that you do not need wealth for you already have it.

3. Time for tea. Whether it be tea or coffee or what have you, take time to relax and allow the universe of your thoughts to do the work.

4. Take a deep breath. Open your mind to the possibilities by breathing in and breathing out.

5. The power of not taking action. Tell the universe of your thoughts that no action is required since you already have what you desire.

6. Relaxing into joy and freedom. You are already there. Joy and freedom are yours. Your versions know this and will show you.

7. It is done. You're sitting in your wealth right now. Breathe it in and relax into this truth.


May 6, 2023: Having wealth.

May 6, 2023: What the heck do you mean by this?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 6, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Having wealth. 16:09
Process #1: Having wealth with your versions. 4:07
Question #1: What the heck do you mean by this? 13:43
Question #2: I still believe that money and work are connected. 21:45

Sunday: May 7, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: The power of not needing it. 20:31
Process #2: Joining with a version to tell the universe of your thoughts that you don't need it. 6:45
Question #3: Was that my higher self? 7:43

Monday: May 8, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: Time for tea. 12:31
Question #4: Labor to rest. 14:27
Question #5: I found a note written by my mother. 10:47

Tuesday: May 9, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: Take a deep breath. 15:38
Question #6: More about the how wondeful it is. 17:07
Question #7: What about aformations and askfirmations? 10:41
Question #8: I didn't like what the squirrel and the dog did. 9:47

Wednesday: May 10, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: The power of not taking action. 15:52
Process #3: Gathering your versions together to announce you don't need to take action. 8:34
Question #9: I'm thinking about stopping work. 7:27
Question #10: My husband is one of my money channels. 19:29
Question #11: When I think of myself in regard to wealth. 5:47
Question #12: This experience this morning was so different. 11:07

Thursday: May 11, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: Relaxing into joy and freedom. 16:09
Process #4: Conjugating a trio of vibrational states. 9:32
Question #13: I enjoyed the distance and neutrality I experienced. 7:16

Friday: May 12, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: It is done. 10:53
Process #5: Breathing in that it is done. 6:32
Question #14: More about versions and helpers. 9:09

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Relaxing Into Wealth

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