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Versioning Your Beloved

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to continue to refine and define your relationship with your beloved through the power of versioning.

1. Who is your beloved? We invite you to consider who this person is and where they are in relationship to you. In this conversation, we will be, as we will through this series, your beloved as an extant person whether you know them or not.

2. Your beloved loves you. Using versioning, you can see and feel how your beloved feels about you and how you feel about them along with how what you're feeling about them shows up in their reality.

3. Your beloved is with you now. We invite you to realize the immediacy of your beloved in your present moment whether you eyes report on their presence or not.

4. Your beloved at work and play. We invite you to put you attention on the magic and wonder and delight that your beloved is up to when you can't see them.

5. Your beloved is who you are becoming. Through versioning, you can see how it is that your beloved is expressing ideas on your behalf and to your benefit.

6. Today is the day of your great good. We invite you to invite you beloved to be one of your helpers.

7. This is just the beginning. No matter where you are in relationship to your beloved, through versioning you can recognize that this moment is where everything is new in terms of you, your beloved, and your life and love together.

As always, we look forward to connecting with you in whatever way pleases you for we know that this is most definitely the very best of these series to date.


March 25, 2023: Who is your beloved?

March 25, 2023: What can I do to expedite meeting my beloved in real life?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: March 25, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Who is your beloved? 28:39
Question #1: What can I do to expedite meeting my beloved in real life? 5:58
Question #2: How do I unversion the disharmony between us? 23:07

Sunday: March 26, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: Your beloved loves you. 23:20
Question #3: I'm not sure my beloved loves me. 8:30
Question #4: I had a wonderful time. 4:01

Monday: March 27, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: Your beloved is with you now. 16:32
Question #5: He's not here yet. 10:37
Question #6: When I visualize, I keep seeing my ex. 5:54

Tuesday: March 28, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: Your beloved at work and play. 26:22
Question #7: How is it helpful for me to think of them over there? 16:24
Question #8: What if they break your heart? 16:14

Wednesday: March 29, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: Your beloved is who you are becoming. 32:51
Question #9: Does this mean I'm becoming nothing? 9:58
Question #10: I love this idea of adoring them in the other room. 18:07

Thursday: March 30, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: Today is the day of your great good. 21:48
Question #11: How can my beloved be another person and also my helper? 8:39
Question #12: Some questions about applying versioning. 13:57
Question #13: More about writing out versioning. 37:47

Friday: March 31, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: This is just the beginning. 13:00
Question #14: I'm really loving this. 3:11
Question #15: I'm feeling angry at myself and at you. 5:11

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Versioning Your Beloved

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