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Manifesting Your Desire

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What's this about?

1. By default, manifesting your desires is what you are doing all the time with everything that is currently present in your physical reality.

2. But the contrast that points to not having something you intentionally want is helping you decide for what you also desire.

3. Having so decided, you now imagine what you desire.

4. Once you've played with the desire and felt into it, you intend the havingness of it.

5. Finally, you step back and allow it, releasing the idea to the universe of your thoughts to sort things out for you and bring it into physical form.

6. All along the way, you have your helpers who are helping you amplify what you are putting your attention on that is in alignment with you.

7. You can also tap into versions of you to help move you from the state of desiring it from its absence to having it with active appreciation.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we will walk you through intentionally manifesting your desires, inviting you to actively participate in the process along the way.

We look forward to your presence, along with your questions and bits of contrast, for we know all of this will be quite delicious, indeed.


February 25, 2023: Manifesting your desire.

March 3, 2023: Versioning, manifesting, intuiting, thinking.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: February 25, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #1: Manifesting your desire. 20:12
Question #1: Things are happening in her life by versioning and then doing. 16:50
Question #2: There is a version of me who is in love with my body. 6:26

Sunday: February 26, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #2: Contrast. 26:38
Question #3: What about timing? 13:58
Question #4: My oldest is getting ready to go away in the fall. 18:03

Monday: February 27, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #3: Imagining. 34:46
Question #5: Appreciation for all this. 3:18
Question #6: I'm always doing what feels better. 13:32
Question #7: What about this dream? 7:43

Tuesday: February 28, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #4: Intending and havingness. 30:07
Question #8: Why does these other things love me? 26:38
Question #9: Playing with toys. 7:56

Wednesday: March 1, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #5: Allowing. 29:32
Question #10: I have some opinions about what might happen. 2:28

Thursday: March 2, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #6: Your helpers. 29:13
Question #11: Is this an agenda? 21:54
Question #12: I don't want to live from emergency to emergency. 5:35
Question #13: I feel like I'm wasting time. 15:45
Question #14: I don't like these late fees. 6:17

Friday: March 3, 2023

Description Length
Conversation #7: Versioning. 35:51
Question #15: This has been delicious. 2:46
Question #16: What about when I ignored my intuition? 14:53
Question #17: I'm spending money. 4:10

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Manifesting Your Desire

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