Intuition, Action, And Synchronicity :: Register

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Intuition, Action, And Synchronicity

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to truly bring power to all your action by only doing those things that feel better to do.

Action is how you express yourself through your body.

That includes both what you say and what you do.

We've said many times how action is the least powerful thing you can do.

Action is not powerless, however.

And that is obviously the case when you bring intuition to the table and place it ahead of action.

Simply put, doing what feels better to do in the doing is the most powerful thing you can do at any given moment.

And, through this series, we invite you to amplify your doing by using your intuition and doing only that which feels better to do in the doing.

This power, centered in your alignment, will likely astonish you as you find yourself moving in synchronicity with the other moving parts of your reality.

We invite you to join us for this conversation for we know how very delicious it will be and look forward to sharing that delight in your presence, indeed.


December 24, 2022: Intuition, action, and synchronicity.

December 24, 2022: Is it really truly that every single thing that happened was the right thing?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: December 24, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #1: Intuition, action, and synchronicity. 22:00
Question #1: Is it really truly that every single thing that happened was the right thing? 8:14
Question #2: It hasn't felt right to put up a Christmas tree. 7:20
Question #3: What if I can't figure out what feels better? 10:49

Sunday: December 25, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #2: All about intuition. 27:11
Question #4: There is now a Christmas tree in my living room and I like it. 10:44
Question #5: The power of not caring versus the opinion of needing to care. 16:46
Question #6: Am I taking the magic out of this? 13:49

Monday: December 26, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #3: All about action. 22:10
Question #7: I was cooking by sight and the results were delicious. 15:50
Question #8: What about emotions and intuition? 13:05

Tuesday: December 27, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #4: All about synchronicity. 29:01
Question #9: Deepening into the delight. 26:10
Question #10: How long does this reminding last? 18:05
Question #11: How do I get this? 2:04

Wednesday: December 28, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #5: Integrating intuition, action, and synchronicity. 23:06
Question #12: I really wanted a day in bed. 8:33
Question #13: I've been through times of huge coincidences. 19:44
Question #14: I want to have the money to travel. 11:50

Thursday: December 29, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #6: The point of all this is that it feels better to feel better. 15:06
Question #15: What about these versions and their opinions? 18:50
Question #16: I can assign this negative opinion to another version of myself. 13:08
Question #17: What about frequencies? 11:57
Question #18: I'm currently in a lot of distress. 6:25

Friday: December 30, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #7: Doing only what feels better. 18:55
Question #19: Can I find a different version of myself who has a better relationship with my father? 36:13
Question #20: It felt better to think about doing things today that I didn't end up doing. 3:25
Question #21: I'd like to find the right place and right time. 4:33

What's the price?

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Intuition, Action, And Synchronicity

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