The Problem With Trying To Heal Your Body :: Register

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The Problem With Trying To Heal Your Body

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What's this about?

The problem with trying to heal your body is that your body is not in need of healing.

This doesn't mean your body is the way you want it to be.

However, since you can't go from the unwanted to the wanted...

You likely face the struggle of:

* Trying to figure out what is going wrong...
* Having limited (if any) success, and...
* Finding yourself pushing against the body you have in order to get to the body you want.

And that simply doesn't ever happen.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to bless the body you have while imagining and intending the body you desire.

This series might be helpful to anyone who is attempting to deal with a personal physical challenge, including carrying more weight than you like.

This series might also be helpful to anyone who is attempting to help another person who appears to be dealing with a physical challenge.

We look forward to connecting with each of you in all the ways that are right for you through this delicious and powerful series of conversations and questions.


December 3, 2022: The problem with trying to heal your body.

December 3, 2022: I've lost some weight but have plateaued.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: December 3, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #1: The problem with trying to heal your body. 13:57
Question #1: My hearing has improved. 10:33
Question #2: I've lost some weight but have plateaued. 26:44

Sunday: December 4, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #2: The nature of what your body actually is. 26:33
Question #3: I'm eating exquisitely but gaining weight. 19:51
Question #4: I feel puffy. 24:37

Monday: December 5, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #3: The persistence of saying this is not something I want. 23:47
Question #5: I'll feel better when my body is trim and lean. 19:01
Question #6: Was that real or did I imagine it? 23:02
Question #7: Is my body a reflection of how I feel about it? 8:29

Tuesday: December 6, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #4: The magic of contrast. 16:12
Question #8: I want to have the body I had in September. 25:26
Question #9: I want clearer vision. 9:24
Question #10: These three pairs of amazing jeans. 8:45

Wednesday: December 7, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #5: What you can do with what you don't like. 23:15

Thursday: December 8, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #6: The contrast about your body is helping you have what you want. 13:56
Question #11: I feel hemmed in. 17:49

Friday: December 9, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #7: Your body is perfect exactly as it sits and exactly as it is. 18:23
Question #12: I want to eat what I want and I want a trim and slim body. 22:57
Question #13: I've been seeing squirrels everywhere. 8:55
Question #14: I went to this class just because I wanted to. 6:41

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$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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The Problem With Trying To Heal Your Body

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