The Astonishing Helpfulness Of Your Helpers :: Register

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The Astonishing Helpfulness Of Your Helpers

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What's this about?

Your helpers are constantly and consistently helping you.

You might say that their helpfulness is astonishing.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we invite you to recognize and utilize the astonishing helpfulness of your helpers.

Much of this series might very well be focused on unpacking the ways in which you believe you are beyond help and are living your life completely on your own.

While this is certainly not the case, we certainly understand that you might very well have proof that it is.

So, in this series, we'll be inviting you to connect with your helpers, to ask for their help for anything and everything, and to allow their help to, in fact, help you.

In the end, we are inviting you to both see and feel the astonishing nature of the ways they are always helping you.


January 27, 2022: Introducing The Astonishing Helpfulness Of Your Helpers

January 29, 2022: The astonishing helpfulness of your helpers.

January 29, 2022: Why was I so angry with my helpers yesterday?

February 1, 2022: Going a little bit deeper into the relationship you have with your helpers.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: January 29, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #1: The astonishing helpfulness of your helpers. 19:11
Question #1: I've been relying more on my inner healer than my helpers. 7:44
Question #2: Why was I so angry with my helpers yesterday? 13:20

Sunday: January 30, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #2: It isn't normal for you to be putting your attention on your helpers. 15:11
Question #3: Are my helpers living vicariously through me? 17:48
Question #4: Why do I feel distance from my helpers? 18:43

Monday: January 31, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #3: The power of noticing how your helpers are helping you. 14:52
Question #5: Are my helpers helping others? 4:30
Question #6: I want to rely on my own helpers. 11:27
Question #7: Can my helpers help me having what I want? 28:04
Question #8: I'm loving what I'm noticing. 2:52

Tuesday: February 1, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #4: Going a little bit deeper into the relationship you have with your helpers. 25:38
Question #9: I don't like the medication I'm taking. 6:51
Question #10: I still feel like I'm not connecting with my helpers. 11:29

Wednesday: February 2, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #5: Ask your helpers to help. 25:57
Question #11: So it's just that easy? 14:57
Question #12: Am I holding my helpers at bay? 11:59

Thursday: February 3, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #6: Your helpers and your perception. 16:01
Question #13: This unconditional love never ends. 9:04
Question #14: I don't like the feeling of obligation. 17:34

Friday: February 4, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #7: Do you want an active relationship with your helpers? 25:56
Question #15: I want my helpers to help me move this stuff. 20:19
Question #16: I get the perfect amount of sleep. 4:01

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
Optional Add-ons
Discounted private sessions
 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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The Astonishing Helpfulness Of Your Helpers

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