Joyfully Surrendering To The Inevitability Of Cash :: Register

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Joyfully Surrendering To The Inevitability Of Cash

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What's this about?

When you joyfully surrender to the inevitability of cash, you are making a powerful decision that it is not, in fact, your job to control your money situation.

Although you likely have ample evidence clearly showing that you do need to control your money situation, this likely comes from something very much like a story we've told many times.

Each of you likely has a memory of some person handing you a shiny coin and then admonishing you with the guidance that the coin is valuable and that you should not spend it.

This is the beginning of the cultural construct about how to manage a money, a teaching that often looks like what an octopus would do if they could make pretzels.

You, of course, do not have to manage money.

For one thing, money is entirely unmanageable since it is entirely construct.

You certainly have a desire for abudance. The form it takes is that of cash, whether dollars, pounds, euro, or some other currency that floats your boat.

And you can have as much cash as you're willing to intend and to have.

And, even more importantly, you can, if you wish, joyfully surrender to the inevitability of cash manifesting for you right here and right now.

Now, we know this series of 7 daily conversations will likely bring some contrast to the table.

And we invite you to bring your questions about this to this series for we know those questions will be juicy, indeed.

So, we invite you to join us in whatever way feels better for you to do so and look forward to interacting with you in whatever way that may be.


January 20, 2022: Introducing Joyfully Surrendering To The Inevitability Of Cash

January 23, 2022: Joyfully surrendering to the inevitability of cash.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: January 22, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #1: Joyfully surrendering to the invevitability of cash. 13:20
Question #1: I love the flavors of unconditional love. 8:32

Sunday: January 23, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #2: The havingness of cash. 17:16
Question #2: I had a dream about an accountant. 10:22

Monday: January 24, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #3: Going more deeply into joyful surrender. 19:41
Question #3: I'm intrigued by the idea of dreams being the awake. 6:07
Question #4: I'm feeling dread about going to work today. 10:20
Question #5: I had a dream that I married a man I used to work for. 5:52

Tuesday: January 25, 2022

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Conversation #4: Surrendering to one thing is surrendering to everything. 15:31
Question #6: Can you explain how these inanimate objects are watching me? 20:45

Wednesday: January 26, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #5: Surrendering to the spending of cash. 21:42
Question #7: Is there a corresponding action for cash like flipping a switch? 13:41

Thursday: January 27, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #6: More about inevitability. 21:40
Question #8: Sometimes my clients ask predictive questions. 10:42
Question #9: I need to pay these bills. 14:12
Question #10: I'm getting better at this. 14:30

Friday: January 28, 2022

Description Length
Conversation #7: About the cash. 15:54

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Joyfully Surrendering To The Inevitability Of Cash

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