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Your Delicious Physical Being

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What's this about?

Today we invite you to consider the nature of physical reality as it applies to your physical form.

This is our introduction to the series that we're calling Your Delicious Physical Being.

You came here very specifically for physicality.

You didn't come here to work out forgiveness... to deal with your karma... to work your way through the cycle of life...

You came here very specifically--you are here very specifically--to have a physical being known as your body that is then surrounded by the physical being known as the world around you.

They are, in essence, the same thing...

But we start here in this series talking about the delicious of your physical being in order to invite you to bring to the table whatever it is that ails you, whatever it is that you look at your body and you say, "This is not good enough, this is not right," and to begin to see it in a different light.

There is within you an idea of the perfection of your physical form.

It's not a goal.

It's not an ideal.

It's simply an idea.

Cultivating that idea...

And paying attention to how powerful your body is...

And how perfect your physical reality that surrounds it is...

This is a very good idea indeed.

In this series, we will introduce you to an idea that we like to call the Inner Healer.

This is not a separate entity.

It's not something we'd recommend that you pray to or beseech.

But it is something we recommend that you notice.

We use the word Healer although there is no healing going on.

We use the word Healer to talk about how you approach yourself and you see yourself within a certain context.

And that context is the physicality of your body

Your body is perfect as it is and your Inner Healer knows the.

We recommend that you pay attention to the feeling of that perfection and begin to prefer that feeling and that thought over any idea that there's something wrong.

Now, we don't propose this in order to fix something that has gone wrong with your body.

We propose this so that you will be able to see the perfection that exists already, something your Inner Healer knows about already.

So, we invite you to join us in this series.

We invite you to pay attention to what arises even in the contemplation of being part of this series.

Because the contrast that arises is going to be very delicious indeed.

And the contrast will bring forth questions that are powerful and delightful, amazing and wondrous, and we look forward to those.

We look forward to our conversations, to how you are with those questions that you bring to the table, and to the very delicious answers that they will bring forth as well.

And so, until that time that we are able to converse with you about this very delicious topic, we do bid you a very fond farewell.


December 2, 2021: Introducing Your Delicious Physical Being

December 4, 2021: Your delicious physical being.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: December 4, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #1: Your delicious physical being. 25:41
Question #1: I was disappointed with my body. 17:44
Question #2: This feels heavy. 22:04
Question #3: I'm enjoying this contentedness. 3:30

Sunday: December 5, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #2: What we mean by delicious. 28:03
Question #4: Intuition versus the inner healer. 20:18
Question #5: My inner healer sitting inside in a lush room. 15:20
Question #6: My friend got physical relief when I mentioned the name of an herb. 19:36

Monday: December 6, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #3: Having an ongoing conversation with your inner healer. 25:40
Question #7: My helpers have never given me a name. 39:24
Question #8: I want someone to tell me everything is going to be OK. 13:01

Tuesday: December 7, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #4: Your inner healer as a companion. 16:27
Question #9: This feeling of unworthiness is ridiculous. 7:29
Question #10: I want to give up these rumors of war. 8:48

Wednesday: December 8, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #5: Your physical being is not just your body. 10:45
Question #11: I have some notes about handing things over to my Inner Healer. 16:46
Question #12: There's no limit to what I can turn over to my Inner Healer. 17:14

Thursday: December 9, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #6: The practical application of this idea. 14:15
Question #13: Calling a meeting with my Inner Healer and my helpers. 19:04
Question #14: I'm feeling very good. 10:04
Question #15: Should I give my manifesting to my Inner Healer. 20:55
Question #16: I handed over my overwhelm to my Inner Healer. 3:06

Friday: December 10, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #7: Turning it over to your Inner Healing. 14:45
Question #17: I read an article that's bumming me out. 13:17
Question #18: I found exactly what I was looking for and it was really easy. 18:16

What's the price?

$58 CAD
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 $87 CAD
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Your Delicious Physical Being

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