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Allowing Is Having

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November 26, 2021: Introducing Allowing Is Having

November 27, 2021: Allowing is having.

December 3, 2021: Are we about to start with something completely different?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: November 27, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #1: Allowing is having. 14:56

Sunday: November 28, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #2: Having is also allowing. 17:14
Question #1: I had a dream last night. 6:49
Question #2: Can I really change the backstory? 6:13

Monday: November 29, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #3: Being willing to allow and have. 19:01
Question #3: Backing up felt easy. 27:05

Tuesday: November 30, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #4: Intending, allowing, having, and manifesting are all the same thing. 24:18
Question #4: I can choose to enjoy my experience. 10:05
Question #5: Fear as protection. 2:42

Wednesday: December 1, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #5: You're surrounded by what you're allowing. 14:51

Thursday: December 2, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #6: What it means to be in a state of allowing and in a state of having. 16:41
Question #6: Allowing more energy and vitality. 11:14

Friday: December 3, 2021

Description Length
Conversation #7: All this pieces and parts of manifesting are all the same thing. 21:05
Question #7: Are we about to start with something completely different? 21:00

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Allowing Is Having

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