Today Is The Day Of Your Great Good :: Register

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Today Is The Day Of Your Great Good

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December 5, 2020: Today is the day of your great good.

December 5, 2020: How much detail should I put into defining what my great good is?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: December 5, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: Today is the day of your great good. 12:02
Question #1: How much detail should I put into defining what my great good is? 4:28

Sunday: December 6, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: Today is the day of your great good. 9:48

Monday: December 7, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: Today is the day of your great good. 11:12
Question #2: How do I make this real and help myself? 6:22
Question #3: How were my parents part of my great good? 12:21
Question #4: Yesterday was wonderful! 17:08
Question #5: It didn't feel good to go. 6:01

Tuesday: December 8, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #4: Today is the day of your great good. 11:00
Question #6: What about this relationship I had in a dream? 18:51
Question #7: More about relationships. 9:05
Question #8: Where to go from here. 10:37

Wednesday: December 9, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: Today is the day of your great good. 15:13
Question #9: How do I manifest what I want? 24:43
Question #10: I want to feel better after talking to my lawyer. 5:46
Question #11: I want to feel better after going to the bank. 13:01
Question #12: I really like what happened here today. 4:51

Thursday: December 10, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: Today is the day of your great good. 13:01
Question #13: What about trapped emotion? 15:04
Question #14: I had a wonderful class yesterday. 14:46
Question #15: Waiting for a relationship. 20:39

Friday: December 11, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: Today is the day of your great good. 9:16
Question #16: I prefer nature over other people. 9:55

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Today Is The Day Of Your Great Good

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