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Going Direct

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September 24, 2020: Introducing Going Direct

September 26, 2020: Going direct.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: September 26, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: Going direct. 19:50
Question #1: I've been talking with my helpers. 13:44
Question #2: I want more of a willingness to engage with my helpers. 6:36

Sunday: September 27, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: Your helpers are an idea. 20:00
Question #3: Can I ask my helpers to help me with these opinions? 10:42
Question #4: A large pod of dolphins just swam by. 0:48
Question #5: Coming up with a name. 20:34
Question #6: Yesterday was really beautiful. 7:20

Monday: September 28, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: You don't need to jump through hoops. 24:01
Question #7: Having and reaching and the conflict of desire. 7:34
Question #8: Why not just rely on intuition instead? 32:16

Tuesday: September 29, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #4: You may have forgotten how this is a garden of delights. 25:19
Question #9: I want to change careers. 25:37
Question #10: Can I serve others by letting them serve me? 12:31
Question #11: Why do I feel better about being alone? 8:37
Question #12: I don't want to work on the estate. 10:34

Wednesday: September 30, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: The point of talking about your helpers. 17:40

Thursday: October 1, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: Telling the story of your reality. 24:37
Question #13: I want to imagine how my helpers are talking back to me. 29:30

Friday: October 2, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: Going direct means that you're intentionally saying what is happening. 17:45
Question #14: When I'm channeling, what is happening? 10:57
Question #15: The dog wanted to go for a walk. 8:40

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Going Direct

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