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The Power Of Allowing

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What's this about?

Within your mind there exists a mighty power that you use many times throughout the day but, in some certain circumstances, you refuse to use because of the belief that it will disempower you.

That power is the power of allowing.

The idea that you must fight for what you want and hurt yourself in the process (for that is the only result) becomes obviously ludicrous once it is examined.

In this series of 7 daily calls, along with your powerful questions and the answers they bring forth, we are inviting you to tap into the power of allowing and to watch as even the most difficult problems begin to shift.

Now, it is quite possible that you will have a number of objections as to why this power is not a power at all.

If that is the case, we invite you to bring those objections to the table and we will be delighted to show you where the truth can be found in your own experience.

For, you see, we are not in the business of pushing against whatever you might say about this (or any topic).

We are, in fact, demonstrating how the power of allowing works.

And, we look forward to reminding you of this very powerful capacity you have within you and, furthermore, we look forward to hearing about how long-held painful ideas you've had about yourself begin to melt away in the presence of you simply letting them be what they are.

This is the power of allowing.


May 30, 2020: The power of allowing.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 30, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: The power of allowing. 13:13
Question #1: I still don't have my settlement. 8:46
Question #2: Where's my stuff? 17:00

Sunday: May 31, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: Allowing is a power because of the contrast it presents. 12:02
Question #3: It looked different than I remembered. 6:24
Question #4: Putting my attention on something amplifies it. 15:00

Monday: June 1, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: The delusional power of resistance. 17:40
Question #5: I ran into resistance when I thought about my car. 13:24

Tuesday: June 2, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #4: The power is because of what you're letting happen. 10:49
Question #6: I'm experiencing powerlessness about global events and what is happening in my home. 21:05
Question #7: I want to allow my relationship with my sons to improve. 12:32

Wednesday: June 3, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: The power of allowing if found in this moment. 20:51
Question #8: The bathroom is where I worry. 8:10
Question #9: My beloved. 13:46
Question #10: I'm in the perfect relationship. 11:26

Thursday: June 4, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: The power of allowing doesn't fix or change. 17:30
Question #11: Allowing takes no attention or effort. 10:17

Friday: June 5, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: Willingness and allowing. 10:15
Question #12: I want to call my son. 3:18
Question #13: What does it mean to say that I'm willing for things not to happen? 13:21
Question #14: Can my helpers help me drop the resistance? 9:51
Question #15: I'm worried about my daughter. 8:17

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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The Power Of Allowing

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