Intentional Cash :: Register

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Intentional Cash

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, we offer you an invitation to remember where all things, including cash, come from.

They all arise from your imagination.

And, from your imagination, these wonderful things, including cash, take shape thanks to your focus and intention.

This isn't a tricky thing.

Everything you have and are experiencing has arisen in this way.

However, it may be the case that you simply haven't considered the ways in which cash can come through the infinite channels of your good by putting your attention on your intention.

In this series, we will walk you through setting your intention as you imagine what you desire and then allowing what you have intended to come forth into your experience.

Easy as that.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: May 2, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: Intentional cash. 16:12
Question #1: More about the money and the cash. 22:49
Question #2: I'm getting drawn into the nitty-gritties. 10:14

Sunday: May 3, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: There is nothing that needs to be done. 15:49

Monday: May 4, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: A process for intending cash. 24:23
Question #3: I want this feeling to expand. 14:41
Question #4: My client pre-paid for a year. 18:51

Tuesday: May 5, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #4: More on intending cash. 21:07
Question #5: What I did before. 17:29
Question #6: This wobbly bicycle. 18:25
Question #7: The guilt and greed thing. 14:29

Wednesday: May 6, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: More about intending cash. 17:06
Question #8: How do I stop grabbing? 18:44
Question #9: My attorney said we may need to go to court. 18:09
Question #10: I'm trying to figure out how to translate this. 20:59

Thursday: May 7, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: Paying attention to your intention. 15:19
Question #11: I'm not here to run away from these experiences. 18:12
Question #12: My helpers have a name. 12:55

Friday: May 8, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: Using contrast. 16:48
Question #13: What about the role of others? 13:34
Question #14: The contrast is just the difference between things. 3:42

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Intentional Cash

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