Your Directive For Cash Series 2 :: Register

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Your Directive For Cash Series 2

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What's this about?

You are constantly directing your reality.

And, as you allow it to come into place, that which you have directed indeed does so.

There is no magic to this. It is quite normal.

However, you may not have much experience in doing so in a conscious manner.

When it comes to cash, you already have plenty (even if it is only a penny).

Your directive for cash simply amplifies your havingness of cash in a way that is conscious and can be very delicious.

Your directive may lead to powerful action, to deep willingness, or anything in between.

As you offer a directive to the universe of your thoughts, you are dropping resistance and clarifying your desire.

This is powerful stuff, indeed!

In this series of 7 daily interactions, including our directives for you that you request, we invite you to be conscious of what you actually desire and let it happen for you. The universe of your thoughts is working on your behalf. This is one way to experience that quite powerfully.

Each one of these series is delicious, and we know this one will be even more delicious than any before, because that is how these things work. They do just keep getting better and better and better.

We look forward to interacting with you on this delicious and amazing idea of your directives in whatever way is exactly right for you.


February 28, 2020: Directive #54: The numerous and multitudinous channels of my good.

February 28, 2020: Directive #55: How easy it is to manifest cash.

February 29, 2020: What is a directive for cash?

February 29, 2020: Directive #63: Now is the time of my great good.

February 29, 2020: Directive #64: I'm going between the mountains and the beach as it pleases me.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: February 29, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: What is a directive for cash? 28:17
Question #1: I'd like to add my helpers to my directive. 13:21
Question #2: I want to go back and forth from the beach to the mountains. 5:10
Directive #63: Now is the time of my great good. 1:49
Directive #64: I'm going between the mountains and the beach as it pleases me. 3:17

Sunday: March 1, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: Using logic to create your directive. 29:29
Question #3: How will I replenish my account? 16:58
Directive #65: Amplify my thoughts of abundance. 5:07
Directive #66: My barns are full. 2:10

Monday: March 2, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: Letting go. 14:59
Question #67: My great allowing. 4:09
Directive #68: I am in the right place in the right time. 3:08

Tuesday: March 3, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #4: About signs, signals, and portents. 18:49
Question #69: What is manifesting is exquisitely perfect. 3:25

Wednesday: March 4, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: The immediacy of all manifestation. 16:01
Question #4: I want people to enjoy what I'm offering. 5:43
Directive #70: I easily see myself having that which I desire now. 4:03
Directive #71: Everything is working out very well. 2:49
Directive #72: I am delighted and satisfied with what I am offering. 2:17

Thursday: March 5, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: Paying attention to your vibration. 24:10
Question #5: I've been spending more and more cash. 8:30
Question #6: The last question was perfect. 2:30
Directive #73: It feels better to feel better. 5:27
Directive #74: I am unleashing my good. 3:21

Friday: March 6, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: What exactly the directive is for. 20:34
Question #7: What about in the future? 7:42
Question #8: I would like a directive. 3:30
Directive #75: I am walking away from the idea of problems to be solved. 4:43
Directive #76: I love my stash of cash. 2:40

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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Your Directive For Cash Series 2

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