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Reveling In Cash

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What's this about?

Listen to Paul talk about this series:

To be clear, in this series, which is all about reveling in cash, we have no idea where we will end up.

But we do know where we will begin.

And that is in noticing how much cash you have and really allowing yourself to see that which you have do its magical and marvelous thing: increase.

Reveling in cash is allowing yourself to have what you desire in terms of abundance.

And abundance is another word for unconditional love.

So, unconditional love is, indeed, manifesting as cash for you.

It can be found in your wallet and in your bank account.

It is here, working for you, on your behalf and to your benefit.

As we said at the beginning, we have no idea where this conversation will go.

We do know it begins with reveling in what you're having already, which is plenty of cash as a manifestation of unconditional love.

We do look forward to walking with you through this delicious series of delightful conversations and powerful questions knowing, as always, that as good as all of this is here, where we begin, it will all only be getting better and better and better, indeed.


February 6, 2020: Introduction to Reveling In Cash

February 8, 2020: Reveling in cash.

February 8, 2020: If I want more cash right now, what can I do?

February 8, 2020: Why are you always making fun of New Thought and New Age ideas?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: February 8, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: Reveling in cash. 18:34
Question #1: If I want more cash right now, what can I do? 5:07
Question #2: Why are you always making fun of New Thought and New Age ideas? 9:37

Sunday: February 9, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: What you are saying is that you have plenty. 24:59
Question #3: I can't imagine the cash that I want. 16:41
Question #4: Imaging my house. 12:20

Monday: February 10, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: Recognizing that which you desire. 10:11
Question #5: I'm not working very hard. 28:45
Question #6: Every time cash comes in, it's time to solve something. 11:46

Tuesday: February 11, 2020

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Conversation #4: Telling the truth. 17:31
Question #7: Using contrast to see the opportunity and opening. 19:46

Wednesday: February 12, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: There is so much to revel in. 12:35
Question #8: I'm feeling antsy about cash. 18:00

Thursday: February 13, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: More about telling the truth. 16:45
Question #9: I'm wearing this suit I love. 4:51

Friday: February 14, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: There is something wonderful happening here right now. 11:17
Question #10: I want to explore this business opportunity. 4:58
Question #11: I'll do things that feel good to me, but then they fall off my radar. 6:30
Question #12: They haven't called back yet. 7:05

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
for 30 minutes (50% off)

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Reveling In Cash

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