Having Financial Success :: Register

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Having Financial Success

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What's this about?

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What happens when you're having what you consider to be financial success?

This series is an invitation for you to imagine and to feel into what financial success looks and feels like in the having of it.

Having financial success is not about achieving it.

We do not suggest you climb such a high mountain, with all the pain it brings about, and then plant your flag on top.

From there you will see, as you likely know, how many more higher mountains there still are to conquer.

Financial success is not an achievement point.

You already have financial success, even if you believe something very much different than that.

Financial success is a specific, ongoing, and evolving idea that you define and which is only meaningful to you.

Your financial success is a continuing expansion of this delicious idea that feels better and better and better.

We invite you to join us as it pleases you to do so and, as always, we look forward to connecting with you in whatever way is right for you, indeed.


January 22, 2020: Introduction to Having Financial Success

January 25, 2020: Having financial success.

January 25, 2020: Money is tight.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: January 25, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: Having financial success. 21:00
Question #1: Money is tight. 18:37
Question #2: I feel envious of what I see others doing. 22:49

Sunday: January 26, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: The practical aspects of declaring you have financial success. 21:08
Question #3: I'm harassing myself for having spent money I didn't have. 20:51

Monday: January 27, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: The specifics of having financial success. 21:11
Question #4: No matter how much I get, I'm always disappointed. 20:55
Question #5: I'm feeling a lot of relief about all this. 8:33

Tuesday: January 28, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #4: Having financial success right now. 12:26
Question #6: What about the rising tide? 14:40
Question #7: I've been living above my means. 9:14

Wednesday: January 29, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: Your physical reality is a manifestation of your perception. 20:11
Question #8: I dropped the worry. 23:07
Question #9: I don't want to wear this coat. 18:45

Thursday: January 30, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: What it feels like to have what it is you desire. 18:18
Question #10: My debt is increasing. 12:14
Question #11: That felt weird. 10:16
Question #12: I'm able to imagine having cash that really is fun. 14:54
Question #13: This is more flexible. 3:21

Friday: January 31, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: More about the practicality of having financial success. 19:03
Question #15: Some things that are really helping me. 6:00
Question #16: This conversation was such joy. 4:53
Question #17: More about using a light touch. 11:33

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Having Financial Success

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