Embracing The Fat :: Register

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Embracing The Fat

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What's this about?

Listen to Paul talk about this series:

The body you have is amazing.

That includes the fat that it carries, however much it might be.

The shape and the size of your body is not only amazing, but it is also perfect.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your delicious questions and the answers they bring forth, we want to remind you that you cannot attack your body and expect it to be something better than what you have now.

Instead of trying to lose weight, we invite you to embrace the body you have created.

The fastest way for your body to evolve into the size and the shape you desire for it to have and to show is to allow it to be perfect as it is, right now.

We know that you likely look at your body as a science experiment.

Calories consumed minus calories burned will tell you whether fat will be added.

But we can see your body as the creation that it is.

And, as such, we disagree with the science experiment way of looking at what your body is.

We do not dismiss this, for we have no basis for doing so, but we do invite you to look, instead, at the body you have, and the fat it carries, as being the perfect creation that it is, right now.

As with all these delicious series of conversations, we invite you to join us as it pleases you to do so and look forward to interacting with you in whatever way that may be.


January 15, 2020: Introduction to Embracing The Fat

January 18, 2020: Embracing the fat.

January 18, 2020: I'm terrified of embracing the fat.

January 21, 2020: This series is really bugging me.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: January 18, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #1: Embracing the fat. 13:29
Question #1: I'm terrified of embracing the fat. 8:36
Question #2: I can't seem to accept the different ways I've been fat in the past. 4:57

Sunday: January 19, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #2: We invite you to really look at your body. 14:29
Question #3: Can you help me find the relief? 5:13

Monday: January 20, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #3: Bringing gentleness, kindness, and compassion to this conversation. 12:52
Question #4: Why is this body right? 11:27
Question #5: How can I embrace my fat when dealing others? 8:29
Question #6: No struggle is required. 26:43

Tuesday: January 21, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #4: The social cost of being fat. 29:08
Question #7: This series is really bugging me. 8:32
Question #8: I keep referencing history. 16:48

Wednesday: January 22, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: Your fat is helpful. 11:10
Question #9: I don't like my body. 5:57
Question #10: What is the point of all this? 11:21
Question #11: I can see how there really is no confict. 10:27

Thursday: January 23, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: Being willing to feel bad about the fat. 14:12
Question #12: What about objectification? 14:55
Question #13: What is the right amount of fat? 7:23

Friday: January 24, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: Fat is unpopular. 14:39
Question #14: About my romantic relationships. 5:36
Question #15: I took on the word fat. 3:12
Question #16: My friend is judging what I eat. 5:48

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Embracing The Fat

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