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Your Perfect Body

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What's this about?

Listen to Paul talk about this series:

Your perfect body is exactly what you have, right here and right now.

We understand that you might very well believe that you have evidence that is quite to the contrary.

However, you are, indeed, having perfection in your body at this moment, regardless of its temporary conditions or qualities.

As you are willing to acknowledge or even simply suspect that your body might, indeed, be perfect, you will begin to cultivate evidence that you're right.

You might think your body is too big or too small or too fragile or too burdened.

We are not trying to convince you that you're wrong.

We are simply reminding you that all conditions are temporary...

And how you shift your perception of what you have with your body...

Can shift your experience of your body...

And can do so in ways that will, more and more, allow you to see...

And to feel...

And to know...

The perfection of your body as it is, right here and right now.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your perfect questions and the delicious answers they bring forth, we invite you to see what you already have: a perfect body.

We also invite you to bring us your questions about how it is not perfect.

That contrast will, no doubt, be the launching pad for more and more deliciousness.

And, as always, we very much look forward to interacting with you with all of this, knowing how very wonderful it will be, indeed.


December 26, 2019: Introduction to Your Perfect Body

December 28, 2019: Your perfect body.

December 28, 2019: I want to lose weight.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: December 28, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Your perfect body. 14:08
Question #1: I want to lose weight. 14:21
Question #2: I want to look younger. 18:36

Sunday: December 29, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: What is perfect about my body right now? 17:28
Question #3: Can you tell me how fat is useful? 15:16
Question #4: I asked my mother if I should lose more weight. 5:02
Question #5: I'm in a wheelchair and I don't like it. 27:35
Question #6: Are there things that keep me from feeling joy? 6:23

Monday: December 30, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: Honoring you body. 16:27
Question #7: About food. 13:52
Question #8: Telling them off. 9:59

Tuesday: December 31, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Your body is a representation of who you are. 20:45
Question #9: What about objectification? 20:07
Question #10: What about the light body? 9:05

Wednesday: January 1, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #5: Recognizing that your body is not you. 14:40
Question #12: More about losing weight. 19:55
Question #13: I want to teach my daughter self-defense. 14:49

Thursday: January 2, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #6: Observing what you are manifesting through your perfect body. 18:29
Question #14: More about intentional eating. 24:07

Friday: January 3, 2020

Description Length
Conversation #7: Forgiving your body. 12:56
Question #15: I feel less inflated and inflamed than I have this week. 5:28
Question #17: I still feel as if I'm not getting it right. 7:12
Question #18: Honoring the hard work of others. 15:09
Question #19: How can I best help my clients with their chronic pain? 4:49

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Your Perfect Body

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