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Your Perfect Relationship

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In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your delicious questions and the answers they bring forth, we invite you to think about how you are perfectly placed with your beloved, with yourself, and with everyone else.

A perfect relationship is not something you achieve because of all the work you've done on yourself.

Your perfect relationship is the one you are in right here and right now.

To be clear, we will be focusing primarily on your relationship with your beloved, whether you know them or not, and whether you are sleeping single in a double bed or sleeping double in a double bed.

The emphasis of this series of conversations is the nature of your relationship which is in its perfect state right now and which is always evolving.

In other words... the perfection is already established.

Through this series of conversations, we invite you to recognize this as being the case.

As always, we invite you to join us and we most certainly look forward to our interactions with you in whatever way they may happen.


December 11, 2019: Introduction to Your Perfect Relationship.

December 14, 2019: Your perfect relationship.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: December 14, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Your perfect relationship. 15:51
Question #1: What about the personality and the body? 29:09

Sunday: December 15, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: Who are these other people? 20:51
Question #2: This relationship doesn't delight me. 14:09
Question #3: I wish my sister would stop being mean to me. 22:35
Question #4: My relationship with my parents is difficult. 15:12

Monday: December 16, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: You are only ever in relationship with yourself. 21:38
Question #5: I see my beloved as being a ghost. 15:32
Question #6: How can I leverage this insight? 10:43
Question #7: Other people are externalized ideas. 8:45
Question #8: What about my sister? 11:41

Tuesday: December 17, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Noticing the perfection. 13:12
Question #9: I wish my friend was my beloved. 12:42
Question #10: What do I have to do to have the relationship? 22:15
Question #11: My question is answered. 2:07

Wednesday: December 18, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: Allowing your perfect relationship. 14:53
Question #12: I have a great relationship. 3:35
Question #14: I talked to my beloved. 4:26
Question #15: Everything now is perfectly fine. 3:58

Thursday: December 19, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: What happens when it's over. 22:37
Question #16: How do I get the next one to happen? 3:41
Question #17: I'm noticing this pattern. 6:18
Question #18: My dog is dying. 15:14
Question #19: My husband was in the hospital. 8:55

Friday: December 20, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: The rough spots. 20:19
Question #20: Today is my oldest son's birthday. 7:04
Question #21: I don't like it when he ignores me. 7:23
Question #22: I'm trying to learn a lesson. 9:04

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Your Perfect Relationship

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