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Allowing The Things You Do Not Like

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What's this about?

Listen to Paul talk about this series:

When you're in resistance to what you don't like, you're dragging it with you.

You have to maintain the resistance and it's hard work.

You don't like it...

It doesn't feel good...

But, because many of you have developed powerful problem-solving skills, you believe that if you work through what you don't like, you will eventually arrive at a golden horizon off in the distance.

But that never quite works itself out...

And that's because the things you don't like are here to help you and not problems to solve.

In this series, we invite you to bring your questions about what you don't like in order to, perhaps, find relief as you begin to allow these things to be what they are.


November 27, 2019: Introduction to Allowing The Things You Do Not Like

November 30, 2019: Allowing the things you do not like.

November 30, 2019: I have a skin condition I don't like.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: November 30, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Allowing the things you do not like. 12:04
Question #1: I have a skin condition I don't like. 11:26
Question #2: I have a list of things I still want. 9:28
Question #3: I wish my sister wasn't so mean to me. 9:13
Question #4: I'm feeling anxious. 2:42

Sunday: December 1, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: What you don't like is helpful. 18:33
Question #5: I have this question. 5:18
Question #6: How does this benefit me? 6:01

Monday: December 2, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: We invite you to be willing to allow. 16:18
Question #7: I still have this skin problem. 9:24
Question #8: I don't want to pay for those people to be there. 5:40
Question #9: What is the difference between beneficial and helpful? 8:56
Question #10: If I do what feels better now, I'll have to pay for it later. 7:58

Tuesday: December 3, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Integrating these ideas. 19:57
Question #11: I don't like my sister-in-law. 16:26
Question #12: Do I have to feel bad now in order to feel better later? 7:24
Question #13: I enjoy being single even though I don't. 4:23

Wednesday: December 4, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: This isn't about liking the things you don't like. 11:59
Question #14: My skin condition is getting better. 6:39
Question #15: Yesterday, I went to the chiropractor. 6:45

Thursday: December 5, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: There is an opening that happens here. 14:26
Question #16: There are times with my partner when I really don't like what is going on. 13:59
Question #17: They're not standing behind what they sold. 11:45
Question #18: I don't like the way I go about being intentional. 7:41
Question #19: I don' like the fact that I'm asking the question. 7:28

Friday: December 6, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: Wrapping things up. 18:03
Question #20: I'm not taking enough action. 17:29
Question #21: I got a whole new phone for the price of a battery. 11:30
Question #22: I love this relief I'm feeling. 6:06

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Allowing The Things You Do Not Like

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