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Doing What You Love

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What's this about?

To do what you love, begin by loving what you do...

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your questions and the answers they call forth, we invite you to turn your affection to your creative self-expression.

Part of what you are here for is action and how that feels as you do what you do.

And part of what you love about action is how creative you can be in your own self-expression.

Regardless of the work you currently perform, you can begin to do what you love right now.

There is no secret here.

There is just the willingness to notice the perfection of where you are and what you do and how this is just the beginning of something wonderful.

This will likely be a delicious series of conversations for:

* Those who work for themselves and have clients and customers already in place and wish to have more...

* Those who work for others and wish to more deeply enjoy the work they do...

* Those who work for others and wish to work for themselves...

* Those who feel as if they are not quite sure what to do next in the arena of work and creative self-expression and wish to take inspired action...

As always, we invite you to join us as it feels better to do so.

However that may be, we very much look forward to connecting with each of us in the way that is perfect for you!


November 9, 2019: Doing what you love.

November 9, 2019: I don't have enough clients and customers.

Special note for this event

Note from Frank: This is one of those series where you really might want to be part of what is going on but can't be present on the call. As Paul always says, you can benefit no matter how you participate. And... don't forget you can send in email questions and get the answers in the recording that comes out the next morning. Don't let the timing be a barrier if you really want to be part of this series...

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: November 9, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Doing what you love. 18:19
Question #1: I don't have enough clients and customers. 8:15
Question #2: I need to contribute more to more clients so I can make more money. 24:40

Sunday: November 10, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: You are doing the perfect thing right now. 18:00
Question #3: I have a wide variety of feelings about my customers and clients. 7:30

Monday: November 11, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: Following what feels better. 20:58
Question #4: I'm not getting things done on time. 11:35
Question #5: This voice tells me to... 18:17
Question #6: I was at the airport a day early. 5:26
Question #7: I keep projecting my thoughts into the future. 9:45

Tuesday: November 12, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Why do you do what you do? 12:47
Question #8: An old client sent me an email and I'm not sure how to reply. 36:29
Question #9: I feel like I'm wasting my time. 9:29

Wednesday: November 13, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: Imagining how the day has unfolded. 9:11
Question #10: Imagining how the day has unfolded #1. 7:49
Question #11: Imagining how the day has unfolded #2. 4:29
Question #12: Imagining how the day has unfolded #3. 5:44
Question #13: Imagining how the day has unfolded #4. 5:37
Question #14: Imagining how the day has unfolded #5. 6:53

Thursday: November 14, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: What it means to fall in love with what you do. 22:54
Question #15: I feel better. 13:52

Friday: November 15, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: What you are putting your attention on. 23:27
Question #16: I'm going to sign some papers at the lawyer's office. 13:00
Question #17: My thoughts bring proof of my assertion. 2:08
Question #18: Being content will stop the expansion. 25:57

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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Doing What You Love

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