Imagining Your Wealth :: Register

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Imagining Your Wealth

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What's this about?

Your reality arises out of your imagination.

It is further refined by the contrast of ideas that appear to conflict with each other, but which are, actually, helping you have more specifically what you are wanting.

Particularly in relationship to your wealth.

It is quite likely that you may have really worked very hard to imagine what you don't want since you want to make sure you don't get it.

But then you do.

Probably not in as bad a state as you were afraid of...

Since it's very, very difficult to manifest what you don't want.

As we say again and again, everything, everywhere, in every way is helping you.

It is, therefore, quite powerful when you turn your imagination towards what you do want.

In this series of 7 delicious daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the answers that arise in reply, we invite you to harness your amazing power of imagination for your good and to your benefit and imagine your wealth.

You know how to imagine what you don't want and you don't get very much of it...

And it's quite likely you already know how powerful it can be to imagine what you do want...

And how delicious it feels as it begins to manifest all around you.

We look forward to reminding you about how that works, particularly as it has to do with your wealth.

And we look forward to your juicy questions about what didn't work, what should have worked, and what might have worked, since we know that these are powerful stepping-off places where wonderfulness can and will arise.

We invite you to join in on the fun since we know that this will be the very best of these conversations to date.


November 2, 2019: Imagining your wealth.

November 3, 2019: The mechanics of your imagination.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: November 2, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Imagining your wealth. 21:44
Question #1: I realized that I'm in the right spot. 20:08
Question #2: I want to be free to do what I want right now. 6:18
Question #3: I want millions of dollars but first I want to get this right. 29:05

Sunday: November 3, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: The mechanics of your imagination. 28:35
Question #4: I have an abundance of love. 6:23
Question #5: Being less specific. 17:04

Monday: November 4, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: Actively imagining. 23:12
Question #6: I couldn't easily imagine my perfect house. 4:24
Question #7: The feeling of their image and likeness. 10:16

Tuesday: November 5, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Imagining your wealth feels better. 23:49
Question #8: I reached out to these old friends. 13:44
Question #9: Enjoying what I have. 11:25

Wednesday: November 6, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: You are sitting in your wealth. 12:21
Question #10: I wanted to explore filing bankruptcy, so I did. 17:16
Question #11: I'm angry. 11:01
Question #12: I feel jealous when I see what they post. 22:23

Thursday: November 7, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: There is no over there. 26:08
Question #13: This harrassing voice will never leave. 14:15
Question #14: I've been having more and more cash. 6:14
Question #15: I saw her picture of manifestation. 8:41

Friday: November 8, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: Imagining your cash. 20:04
Question #16: I noticed how much I wanted to go downstream. 11:12

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Imagining Your Wealth

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