The Problem With Dealing With Debt :: Register

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The Problem With Dealing With Debt

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions and the answers they call forth, we invite you to notice how hard it is to deal with debt and how easy it is to manifest cash.

To be clear, what we are proposing here is not that you need to manifest cash to pay off your debt... far from it.

What we are proposing is the radical notion that, like money, debt does not exist.

You simply are incapable of being indebted to another.

Likewise, no one can be indebted to you.

Obviously, this is metaphysics and not a legal, ethical, or moral proposition.

We invite you, in this series, to let go of the notion of debt and embrace how easily you can be willing to give cash you manifest to those whom it pleases you to do so.

In other words...

If you would stop looking at the burden of debt...

And begin to explore the relief in the willingness to give...

You might very well find the kind of change you were believing would take weeks, months, or years to get to much sooner than you were expecting.

As always, we invite you to participate in this series as it pleases you to do so.

And, as always, we look forward to interacting with you in whatever way that may be.


October 26, 2019: The problem with dealing with debt.

October 30, 2019: What Abraham says about my vibration and money.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: October 26, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: The problem with dealing with debt. 20:05
Question #2: Debt and protection. 3:38

Sunday: October 27, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: Debt is something that does not exist. 21:40
Question #3: I want to keep my word. 10:17

Monday: October 28, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: There is no such thing as obligation. 20:25
Question #4: Obligations between family members. 13:54

Tuesday: October 29, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Debt is not real. 18:44
Question #5: I have a lot of debt. 16:02
Question #6: I feel obligated to my friend's friend. 5:26
Question #7: I should feel better. 5:09
Question #8: They owe me. 12:04

Wednesday: October 30, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: There is no debt to deal with. 19:50
Question #9: What Abraham says about my vibration and money. 15:15
Question #10: She wants an explanation. 21:27
Question #11: I don't feel obligated to see him. 6:31
Question #12: This feels like a bottom-less pit. 23:07

Thursday: October 31, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: Everything and everyone in every way is helping you. 23:25
Question #13: The usefulness of guilt. 13:22
Question #14: How to get off this see-saw. 9:17

Friday: November 1, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: There is no problem to deal with. 24:12
Question #15: I'm confused about the conversation. 14:18
Question #16: How hard he's working. 3:00
Question #17: I love the shop but the anxiety of people in the shop has been overwhelming. 7:10

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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The Problem With Dealing With Debt

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