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Cashing In With Contrast

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What's this about?

The only reason you have anything at all in your physical reality is thanks to the contrast that gave birth to the idea which then took shape in an exquisite manner.

This applies to each and every bit and byte of your experience...

Including every penny, pound, quarter, dollar, buck, euro, franc, ruble, and yen.

Not to mention all those loonies and toonies.

In other words, contrast is helping you and doing so consistently.

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your powerful questions, we invite you to see this contrast as a tool you can leverage instead of something to be covered over or denied.

So many of our physical friends have told us tales of intending to manifest cash (or anything else) and how the lack of it was proof of their failure at manifestation.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Taking score in this way is like taking a photograph of a small piece of the world and then claiming that everything not in the frame didn't exist at the time the photograph was taken.

Furthermore, all things are evolving.

And their evolution generally follows where you lead.

If you say you don't have enough, the universe of your thoughts will begin to show you proof of how right you are.

This, obviously, is not what you desire.

So, instead of declaring that you know how it is and you don't like it, you can use this contrasting experience to your advantage and decide for more of what you desire.

Like cash.

In this series, we invite you to bring your stories of contrast so that we may offer you a new way to look at things.

After all, it seems to us that it would be a much more delicious thing to see what is actually happening instead of what you are afraid is probably happening.

As always, we invite you to join us in whatever way feels better to you.

And, as always, we know this will be, indeed, the very best of these series to date.


September 28, 2019: Cashing in with contrast.

September 28, 2019: How can I cash in with this debt?

October 1, 2019: I want significantly more cash. How I do get there from here?

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: September 28, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Cashing in with contrast. 16:52
Question #1: How can I cash in with this debt? 13:00
Question #2: I love making six figures. 28:29

Sunday: September 29, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: Acknowledging what you don't like is a powerful thing. 24:52
Question #3: I took a job and don't want to keep working at it. 15:23
Question #4: Being in the center of my reality versus things happening outside of my control. 4:19

Monday: September 30, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: What does cashing in mean? 18:07
Question #5: I always have plenty now. 1:54

Tuesday: October 1, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: Why contrast is helpful. 18:42
Question #6: I want significantly more cash. How I do get there from here? 19:39
Question #7: This serendipitous morning. 8:00

Wednesday: October 2, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: When you lose your keys... 23:48
Question #8: I'm disapproving of how money is coming to me. 21:20
Question #9: I followed my intuition when I told them what I wanted to tell them. 5:16

Thursday: October 3, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: How cashing in with contrast is happening right now. 38:53
Question #10: I get it but that can't be true. 22:46
Question #11: I want off this demented carousel. 22:23

Friday: October 4, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: Contrat is powerful and helpful. 15:28
Question #12: Everything has always worked out for me. 4:44
Question #13: I'm reveling in how many things keep working themselves out. 3:02
Question #14: Things are going really well, except... 27:32

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Cashing In With Contrast

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