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Relaxing Into Cash

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 delicious daily calls, we invite you to relax into having more and more of the cash you enjoy having already.

The idea that you must work hard to achieve and get ahead does, in fact, turn out to be true.

But you have to believe in that idea.

You must work hard, in fact, to prove it to be true.

However, there will be times when you will likely slip up or backslide from your hard work at motivating yourself to get the job done and make it all happen...

And then what?

Then... as you might already know... the world does not stop because you are no longer pushing that rock up that mountain.

In fact... things begin to get easier because...

You are no longer pushing against your own desires by trying to prove yourself incapable of having what you desire by working hard to get it.

If the previous sentence doesn't seem to make sense, but is intriguing...

We invite you to join us for this series of conversations.

As always, we know that your participation, in whatever way that may happen, will be perfect.

And we look forward to all the ways this series will be even more delicious than ever!


September 14, 2019: Relaxing into cash.

September 14, 2019: I'm worrying about money and I don't want to.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: September 14, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Relaxing into cash. 25:31
Question #1: I'm worrying about money and I don't want to. 23:51
Question #2: I can't see any more money coming other than my paycheck. 2:23

Sunday: September 15, 2019

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Conversation #2: This is the expansion of unconditional love. 22:44
Question #4: I want my money back. 12:52
Question #5: I need to understand this. 11:02

Monday: September 16, 2019

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Conversation #3: You cannot claim that something is happening in a way you don't want in order to get something you do want. 17:38

Tuesday: September 17, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: What worry is about. 19:17
Question #6: I want to feel better and to pivot. 15:12
Question #7: It's all working out. 5:03
Question #8: I want this money problem to go away. 18:19

Wednesday: September 18, 2019

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Conversation #5: Thoughts amplify. 20:27
Question #9: Can you help me understand this? 11:56
Question #10: I let myself get angry. 5:25

Thursday: September 19, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: What is happening right here and right now. 38:15
Question #11: I want to give my son this cash as a wedding gift. 16:54
Question #12: I didn't get as many likes as I wanted. 18:11

Friday: September 20, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: What cash really is. 26:22
Question #13: I'm going back and forth from worry to knowing everything is OK. 7:11
Question #14: It felt good to be generous. 10:11
Question #15: I'm angry about what you just said because it isn't true. 21:47

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Relaxing Into Cash

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