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Perfect Weight Perfect Body

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What's this about?

In this series of 7 daily conversations, along with your delicious questions, we invite you to begin to contemplate the very powerful idea that your body is the perfect body in manifesting form, right now.

And we invite you to contemplate the idea that the weight that it carries is the perfect weight right now.

There is one underlying metaphysical idea here that we are truly inviting you to see: that you cannot fix something and then expect it to get better.

We know that you think you have a memory of logical approaches that say something different.

So, for example, if you want to lose weight, you will alter your diet.

But when you begin to alter your diet in order to lose weight, then begins a struggle with your body that you don't have to continue to subscribe to, ever.

You can just simply decide that your body is perfect as it is, for it certainly is.

You can just simply decide that the weight you carry is the perfect weight right here and right now, for it certainly is.

And then, as we go through this series of conversations, we'll talk about how each of these ideas then extrapolates to more and more of the perfection of all of the aspects of what it means to be in a body, to carry a body, to carry weight, and to be with it.

This conversation, of course, does not just apply to those who believe they are carrying too much weight.

This conversation applies to those who believe they are not carrying enough weight.

This conversation also applies to anyone who believes there is a flaw in their body, whatever that may look like.

Of course, we would say that your body is perfect, right here and right now.

And your recognition of the perfection amplifies into the manifestation of more of what you're wanting.

The recognition of the perfection takes you out of the idea that there's something you should have done and brings you more and more into the idea that there's something that is happening for you.

So, we invite you to come into this conversation and join us as we revel and bask in the perfection of your body and the perfection of the weight that it carries.

We also invite you to know that, as wonderful as it is to celebrate what you have now, there's only going to be more and more and more to celebrate.

And... as always, with each of these series, we know that, as good as all of this is, as powerful as all of this is, as wonderful as all of this is, it really and truly is only getting better and better from here.

And... we invite you to be part of this, as it pleases you to do so, in whatever way that may look.

So, we look forward to interacting with you in whatever way that may be knowing how delicious and powerful, amazing and wonderful this conversation will be.



September 6, 2019: Introducing Perfect Weight Perfect Body

September 7, 2019: Perfect weight perfect body.

September 7, 2019: I want to lose some of this weight.

September 7, 2019: The word perfect hangs me up.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: September 7, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Perfect weight perfect body. 21:33
Question #1: I want to lose some of this weight. 17:05
Question #2: The word perfect hangs me up. 7:21

Sunday: September 8, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: More about perfect. 18:08
Question #3: I've been working on my body for a long time. 5:50
Question #4: Feeling delighted with my body as it is now. 10:04

Monday: September 9, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: About weight. 27:48
Question #5: I'm noticing some contrast about my body in specific ways. 16:13
Question #6: Talking to my children about their weight. 7:29

Tuesday: September 10, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: The problem with deprivation. 29:23
Question #7: What do I do with all the time wasted on shame and guilt about my body? 11:39
Question #8: How can I apply what I know about my body to money? 25:56

Wednesday: September 11, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: This body is the pre-cursor of the one you are creating. 19:32
Question #9: I'm afraid that if I lose weight, my equilibrium will be off. 14:49
Question #10: I showed my upper arms. 4:06
Question #11: Looking at the body I have now. 7:41

Thursday: September 12, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: What the purpose of food actually is. 19:59
Question #12: What about all this sugar? 28:32
Question #13: My relationship to sugar and artificial sweetener. 16:02
Question #14: I'm setting up all these rules. 15:46
Question #15: I'm still making myself wrong. 6:28

Friday: September 13, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: Everything from the past is helpful. 33:35
Question #16: What other people say is none of my business. 5:00
Question #17: Storing or not storing. 11:25
Question #18: She asked me for testimonials. 12:10

What's the price?

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Perfect Weight Perfect Body

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