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Walking Away From The Protection Racket

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What's this about?

Is there something or some idea that you are protecting?

When you protect something, you are quite literally shining a light on it and drawing to you unwanted aspects that would appear to attack or assault the thing: be it an idea, a situation, a relationship, or an object.

In this powerful series of 7 daily conversations, complete with your questions and our answers, we invite you to walk away from the thoughts that claim you need to maintain the protection of anything and turn towards the true thoughts of freedom, abundance, and delight that are yours for the having, right now.

Whenever you are plunging yourself into the protection racket, you are claiming that something is not able to actually be what it is: your amazing creation.

You are declaring its fragility, when it is actually quite strong and flexible.

You are declaring its poverty, when it is actually quite prosperous.

You are declaring its hiddenness, when it is actually quite obvious.

The more you protect something, the more you are actually keeping it captive.

You are not letting the thought, the idea, the situation, the circumstance, the relationship, the characteristic to evolve on its own, as it is quite capable of doing, being your magnificent creation.

As you walk away from this protection racket, you begin to see what is actually, truly, and really happening for you and on your behalf and how very magnificent all of this wondrousness is.


June 22, 2019: Walking away from the protection racket.

June 22, 2019: I am protecting myself from money.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: June 22, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Walking away from the protection racket. 14:37
Question #1: I am protecting myself from money. 12:40
Question #2: If I don't give it my attention... 12:12

Sunday: June 23, 2019

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Conversation #2: More about what the protection racket is. 18:07
Question #3: I'm asking others for their opinions. 19:13
Question #4: The motherhood racket. 18:05

Monday: June 24, 2019

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Conversation #3: You're on your own, kid. 21:21
Question #5: My thoughts around my kids' cell phone usage. 17:56
Question #6: Engagement versus relief. 4:09

Tuesday: June 25, 2019

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Conversation #4: What it means to protect yourself. 19:21

Wednesday: June 26, 2019

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Conversation #5: The payoff. 22:56
Question #7: I don't like this job. 10:11
Question #8: Everything is so expensive. 4:19
Question #9: The real payoff pays off right now. 3:50

Thursday: June 27, 2019

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Conversation #6: Unconditional freedom. 14:24
Question #10: When and how do I face these terrifying thoughts? 13:50

Friday: June 28, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: You're in the right place and the right time right here and right now. 28:04
Question #11: The GPS sent me in a big loop that led to a cool Cadillac. 26:55
Question #12: They're supposed to be the closest to me. 14:25

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Walking Away From The Protection Racket

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