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Cash Intuition

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What's this about?

Intuition is a simple proposition.

Simply follow what feels better.

What feels better to do in the doing...

What feels better to say in the speaking...

And, most significantly, what feels better to think in the thinking.

Your intuition is always available.

Your intuition is always immediate.

You always know what's better, what's simple, what's obvious, what's next.

We recommend you use your intuition when it comes to cash, whether they be dollars, pounds, euro, or whichever currency is yours in the moment.

In this series of 7 delicious daily conversations, along with your powerful questions, we invite you to simply allow the universe of your thoughts to handle and sort out all the details of cash for you, on your behalf, and to your benefit, when it comes to cash dollars, pounds, and euro.

As always, we invite you to join us for the delight and magic of this series as it pleases you to do so.

For we certainly know that, whether and how you choose to participate, it will be exactly right.

And, as always, we look forward to connecting with you in whatever way that may be.


June 8, 2019: Cash and intuition.

June 8, 2019: How can I get it that I really can let my intuition deal with cash?

June 9, 2019: I want to pay off this debt.

June 9, 2019: Do I have to hold the vibration of willingness?

June 12, 2019: I'm disappointed that I'm not making money.

Here's what happened in this event

Saturday: June 8, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #1: Cash and intuition. 19:04
Question #1: How can I get it that I really can let my intuition deal with cash? 5:21
Question #2: Should I be setting an intention and then acting on it by doing what feels better? 26:34
Question #3: Why do I keep not getting the money I'm striving for? 9:29

Sunday: June 9, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #2: The practical application of this idea. 22:17
Question #4: I want to pay off this debt. 20:04
Question #5: Do I have to hold the vibration of willingness? 8:46
Question #6: I don't really have a question now. 9:36

Monday: June 10, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #3: The problem isn't real. 16:31
Question #7: Other people have given me cash. 11:08
Question #8: Cause and effect. 9:14
Question #9: I didn't feel better as you were talking in the beginning. 16:52

Tuesday: June 11, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #4: What expansion of cash do you want? 21:51
Question #10: I had a dream about the president. 17:17
Question #11: Have I always been trying to solve problems? 17:47
Question #12: Why the heck am I still doing this? 14:20

Wednesday: June 12, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #5: The practical and the simple. 23:44
Question #13: I'm disappointed that I'm not making money. 45:33

Thursday: June 13, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #6: What might happen if you simply allow. 9:28
Question #14: More about faith, hope, and trust. 10:04
Question #15: I would really like to have more money. 7:10
Question #16: More about yesterday. 14:50

Friday: June 14, 2019

Description Length
Conversation #7: Bringing it down to the nitty-griity. 15:25
Question #17: Everyone has been doing my dirty work for me. 10:24
Question #18: I feel depressed. 28:32
Question #19: I'm seeing financial expansion. 3:01

What's the price?

$50.00 USD
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 $75 USD
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Cash Intuition

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